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User Profile For sitram  
Comments Posted: 0
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Comic Synopses Posted: 5
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by sitram that are currently in use.

Comic: Drawn Out Jokes
A hilarious gag-a-day series featuring characters such as the memorable Sass-quatch.
Comic: General Hardcastle's Cooking Corner
Once a general, protecting America from evil, terror, and giant killer robots, Hardcastle has finally achieved his true dream: to host a cooking show. Join him and his trusty Private every week, and learn how to cook exciting new foods*! For everyone from the microwave dabbler to the master chef, this is certainly not one to miss.

* For some definitions of \"learn,\" \"cook,\" \"exciting,\" \"new,\" and \"foods.\"
Comic: Greetings from Pluto
In 2006, foolish Earthling scientists voted to strip Pluto of its planethood. The pathetic beings did not know what they were up against. For Zorbulon Prime, supreme commander of Pluto had a few words to say about it, and the Earthings had to face his wrath. Or rather, they would have faced his wrath if he were not constantly thwarted by incompetent assistants, annoying computers, and game show hosts.
Comic: Powerpoint Comics
What does the comic artist do when he can\'t afford a good drawing program, and all the free drawing programs are full of bugs or missing features. Obviously, write a comic in Powerpoint! And animate it, apparently, because that\'s cool.
Comic: The Adventures of Karis and Melody
Karis and Melody\'s adventures in the common room, in the classroom, and (very rarely) in the real world.

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