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User Profile For BenTinsley67  
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Comic Synopses Posted: 4
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by BenTinsley67 that are currently in use.

Comic: Night Owl from Wham Bang Comics
Night Owl (AKA 12-year-old Zack Finley of Texas) is a shaman superhero charged with protecting the balance of the universe! It's a difficult job protecting the streets of Fort Worth, Texas from magical menace -- but Night Owl believes he's up to the task!
Comic: Night Owl from Wham Bang Comics
For years, Night Owl has believed that Hilda the Nazi robot murdered his beloved grandfather. Today, the truth turns out to be something ... stranger. PART ONE
Comic: Night Owl from Wham Bang Comics
What has LOW THING, Night Owl\'s greatest enemy, sacrificed to become so powerful? Could it he ... HIS SOUL?
Comic: Night Owl from Wham Bang Comics
Night Owl is a 12-year-old earth shaman from Fort Worth, Texas charged with protecting the balance of the universe.

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