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User Profile For eugenus  
There was once a time when wars abounded, when crime, famine, even death were a part of life, when tyrants ruled whole nations and the color of your skin alone was reason enough for someone to hate you, but all of this is no more. Now the Earth is united, one in race, government, even in creed.
Comics By eugenus: eugenus
Comments Posted: 0
Favourites: 2
Profile Images Posted: 2
Comic Synopses Posted: 2
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by eugenus that are currently in use.

Comic: Captain Crossbones
The ship The Lunacy sails with a crew of \"boneheads\" who are always cross with one another, and their captain is no better, Captain Crossbones. He\'ll make you walk the plank if you dare to say anything bad about his huge, bulb shaped nose. The Captain\'s closest companion is his parrot, Mr. Crackers, who never consoles the Captain when the Captain needs it the most. And yes, the Captain even has a girlfriend, a mermaid named Merma. She likes playing hard-to-get. So Mates, join the fun and sail with Captain Crossbones and his \"friends\"!
Comic: eugenus
There was once a time when wars abounded, when crime, famine, even death were a part of life, when tyrants ruled whole nations, and the color of your skin, alone, was reason enough for someone to hate you, but all of this is no more: now the people of Earth are united, one in race, government, even in creed.

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