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User Profile For eworewoija  
Comments Posted: 18
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Below is a list of comments made by eworewoija, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Dicebox 5/5
It swing between an epic intrigue and a futuristic slice-of-life story. A duo of truly unique, three dimensional characters and great art make it enjoyable at all times.
Comic: Scary Go Round 5/5
Great, distinctive art style and some of the best dialogues of all the webcomics I\'ve read.
Comic: Wooden Rose 2/5
I started reading this comic lured by beautiful cover art and... quickly got disappointed. Torought most of the comic the art seems stiff and unpolished. The situation with characters and story is quite similar: there was a lot of potential but something went seriously wrong in the creative process. Characters who could have ended relateable with some good exposition, development and a tad more originality instead turned out two dimensional and cliched, much like their designs. The enjoynenment of the story is laregly spoiled by mistakes in pacing and panelling. Still, there are some things that went right: there\'s a fair dose of suspense, a well choosen color-palette and occasionally a beautiful background.
Comic: Hark! A Vagrant! 5/5
A \"gag-per-day\" webcomic like you\'ve never seen before. History, literature (especially parodies of classic book covers), sarcasm and occasionally some nonsense - what more do you need?
Comic: Para-Ten 4/5
Really good comic. The characters\' personalities seem to be a bit sketchy and I found it a bit hard to relate to them, but the art is terrific. Coloring and designing outfits in particular seem to be the author\'s fortes.
Comic: The Meek 5/5
I have yet to find a webcomic that I would like more. I\'m not sure if it\'s even possible, tough.
Comic: Spamusement 4/5
It\'s a shame this doesn\'t update anymore - it\'s damn hilarious!
Comic: Pear Pear 4/5
Really cute silent comic presenting a somewhat unusal point of view on kitchen utensils and food products :) Definitely worth checking out.
Comic: Fey Winds 5/5
I must admit, I didn\'t really like this comic at the begining, but it didn\'t take me long (only about 20 pages ;)) to change my mind. I simply love how it switches back and forth from dramatic to comedic and breaking-the-fourth-wall moments.
Comic: Zabernism 4/5
As for now it looks quite promising: the art may not be perfect but it certainly is original, the characters are handled pretty well and there\'s also a fair bit of humour.
Comic: Bite Me! 4/5
Witty satire in which \"the pun is always intended\". If you ever get tired of those vampire flicks coming out every couple of years, that\'s the perfect remedy.
Comic: The Battle of Dovecote Crest 5/5
This is a perfect webcomic for all the history reenactment geeks and history buffs in general :)
However, there are several reasons for which \"normal\" people can enjoy it too. First of all, if you have that impression that most of webcomics stick to 5 or 6 most popular topics, you would most likely consider reading something about a povintial museum rather refreshing. Besides that main characters are really well written - believable (if a bit exaggerated), likeble and funny at the same time. Also the art is not only original and true to the spirit of the story but also constantly improving. And, last but not least, this comic offers a really nice blend of serious reflection (both on history and everyday problems) and humorous dialogues and situations. What more can I say? I simply love this webcomic :)
Comic: Strange Someone 2/5
It seemed interesting at the beggining but only went downhill after that.
Comic: Gunnerkrigg Court 5/5
This comic not only keeps perfect balance between fantasy and science-fiction, but also between light harted stories about adventures of students in a huge boarding school and a much more serious tale of the rough coexistence of technology and powers of nature, mankind and supernatural beings. Art is very appropriate for the story, it creates an unique, mysterious athmosphere. And I can honestly say, that this comic gets better with every chapter.
Comic: Red Moon Rising 5/5
Perhaps it\'s still too early to judge the story (however I do think the already existing chapters lay a solid foundation for a complex, intriguing story), but the art alone can win this comic a 5 stars rating.
Comic: Multiplex 5/5
Let me put it this way: if it weren\'t for Jason\'s comments on movies, I wouldn\' t survive reading pop culture film revievs I have to read as a webzine editor.
Comic: Nothing Better 5/5
The most realistic and tought provoking webcomic about college life ever!
Comic: Marry Me 3/5
I really like the general idea, but I think the author has wasted a lot of potential in this comic - this could have turned into a brilliant half realistic, half humorous story about a pop star and a guy who isn\'t even her fan being forced to live together, trying to work ou their differences and eventually falling in love. Instead we get a fast-paced irrealistic comic - very romantic, quite funny and overall enjoyable, but leaving you a feeling that somethings missing.

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