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User Profile For sawyerLUVSyou  
Comics By sawyerLUVSyou: Demon Wings, Shards of the Heart
Comments Posted: 3
Favourites: 6
Profile Images Posted: 4
Comic Synopses Posted: 4
Below is a list of comments made by sawyerLUVSyou, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Aoi House 4/5
Very funny, especially for manga fans. The style is very professional. People who love comedy and romance comics will love this.
Comic: Nana's Everyday Life 5/5
Anyone who loves Elfen Lied will love Nana\'s Everyday Life. There are a few funny parts, but for most of the story you will feel for Nana and her heartbreaking tale. The style is adorable and somehow fits the overall mood.
Comic: Academy, The 4/5
A funny comic that shows the life in school as we all know it. It is done in an original style, with a sense of humor that will leave you wanting more.

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