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User Profile For Kyhan  
Comments Posted: 2
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Comic Synopses Posted: 1
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by Kyhan that are currently in use.

Comic: Ghosthands
We all take advantage of life, and never stop to think about what it would be like without it. The same with love. But what if it were different? What if when someone died, they were given an option?

This is what happens in MY world. A world similar to ours, but very different too...

It all starts in Tokyo...

...This is the story of one boy who thinks that the world has finally become great. He is in love, and about to propose. He never once thought of life without her, but never thought he would live like that.

As tragedy strikes, all this is lost, as his girlfriend, Rachel, loses her life, and he loses his hands.

Upon awakening he discovers he has a Ghost Limb, which an apparition occupys a lost limb , giving it a mind of it's own. He finds everything in his world gone; his home, his love, his hands, even his identity, and heads toward the only light in this darkness...

The training facility that told him not to return to his old life.

But is the facility really ONLY training them to be able to use their Ghost Limbs so they don't kill themselves with the power? And why does everyon's story end with them being legally declared dead?

...And how did they accheive the power of Ghost Limbs, anyway? Who are these new, inhuman opponants? How is it that Ghost Hands is able to break the limits of other Ghost Limbs? And What is the reason of the main villan's attacking?

Find out in the epic and dramatic action, which is "Ghosthands!"

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