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User Profile For guymandude  
Comments Posted: 8
Favourites: 45
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Comic Synopses Posted: 2
Below is a list of comments made by guymandude, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Exterminatus Now  
the website has changed to
whoever is in control of this page should fix that
Comic: Aozora: Into Imagination  

This comment is, obviously, more recent than the other comments. I checked every link posted here. None of them work anymore. This comic is dead. I\'m tired of going to check out a comic and then finding out it doesn\'t exist anymore, so I just thought I would warn people.
Comic: Questionable Content 1/5
I can\'t put up with it. I just can\'t. No idea why. Everyone told me I would love it, it is definitely my type of comedy (maybe that\'s why), but I just can\'t stand reading it. Boring, not funny, bland, bad plot, at least it seems that way to me. I can see why people would like it. I\'m not even saying its bad. It\'s just not good and I really don\'t think it should be #1.
Comic: Peter is the Wolf 4/5
I get you dude. Good comic, except the gigantic boob thing pisses me off too. It just makes the art look ridiculous.
Comic: Least I Could Do 5/5
One of my most favorite comics ever. Hilarious, good artwork, and good characters. What else does a comedic comic need? I don\'t understand why someone would say its repetitive. I\'ve read every single LICD strip since the beginning, and I haven\'t felt like I was seeing repetition at all. I love how the writer keeps it fresh somehow. Also, if you hate Rayne, then you must love eating babies.
Comic: Penny Arcade 5/5
Fantastic. I have absolutely no idea why this comic is below CAD. Especially since I\'ve noticed a few CAD strips that might as well have been copied and pasted from penny arcade. I get how they are both gaming comics and both will occasionally decide to mock the same game, but seriously, sometimes it\'s just too similar. But Anyways, this is a great comic all around that delivers intelligent and quirky humor every time, and I am truly disappointed in that seemingly large quantity of people who are unable to get it.
Comic: Ctrl+Alt+Delete 1/5
Ay-Dee, you would decide not to read a comic just because some people who like it are retarded? That\'s just not fair. It\'s not the writers fault? Why not give penny arcade a chance? I\'m not that big a fan of either of these comics, but I have read them both and in my opinion, PA beats this comic by a long shot. I hate saying this about a comic as I have my own, but this comic was awful. I gave it so many chances. I must have read 50 strips, but I can\'t stand this comic. You\'re better off with PA.
Comic: Somewhere Different 2/5
OK, I guess. I could get how certain people would like it, but its not for me. Plus there is a manga series that started a few years ago with almost the exact same plot. That is not an exaggeration. As I said before, I understand that some could like a comic like this, but I really haven\'t the slightest idea why this comic is in the top 10.

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