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LEGEND OF BILL Ultrasylvania Hazardous Concoction Building 12 Longest Sojourn, The Wasted Walrus Wholesome Eve's Apple breaking the game Anywho... Get Your Comic Featured Today!!
User Profile
User Profile For furBearNtrout  
Comments Posted: 3
Favourites: 273
Profile Images Posted: 2
Comic Synopses Posted: 3
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by furBearNtrout that are currently in use.

Comic: A Wish for Wings
Andrea is an angel. Now she must prove it.
Comic: Betting On Love
Noa is normal. Her parents are not. Begin the insanity!
Comic: Geebas on Parade

This is a Gaming comic.

I play SOLAR (Southern Organization for Live Action Role-playing). We put on renaissance costumes and run around in the woods pretending to be elves and ogres and we hit each other with padded swords. It's very therapeutic.

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