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User Profile For bg4m3r  
Comments Posted: 10
Favourites: 22
Profile Images Posted: 4
Comic Synopses Posted: 6
Yahoo! bg4m3r08
Below is a list of comments made by bg4m3r, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Listen Up Music 3/5
This comic is in Spanish only! Otherwise, looks to be well drawn and such...
Comic: Kuzimu - Issue 4 out now! Read 1 one for free at &!  
There is no comic on this site, only links to buy the book and to other sites with material related to the content of the book.
Comic: Comic Living 2/5
NOTE: This is not a webcomic, but rather a site for a published comic featuring samples.
Comic: Closencounters Manga 5/5
Hmmm...seems to have vanished. I'd hate to see this comic go, does anyone out there know what happened to it? New URL maybe?
Comic: Chibi Cheerleaders From Outer Space 5/5
Use the archive URL. The site seems to have been reorganized. New URLs have been submitted though!
Comic: lipitor 1/5
Comic: Erotic Adventures of Buffy and Evil Willow, The 3/5
there is a typo in the URL. go to
Comic: Mixed Myth 4/5
The current storyline has been completed. Doesn't mean that the comic is no longer

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