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User Profile For Tonik  
Comments Posted: 5
Favourites: 83
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Comic Synopses Posted: 0
Below is a list of comments made by Tonik, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Wayward Sons: Legends 3/5
I really enjoy Wayward Sons - the art is pretty fantastic, it\'s a pretty cool story, and I like that it seems to be moving at a brisk-ish pace.

But I have two problems.

The first is one I have with a lot of webcomics out there, and is just the lack of editing in the writing. It feels pretty clumsy a lot of the time, with a lot of small mistakes that I think could\'ve been pretty easily sorted out. A lot of the dialogue doesn\'t flow well because of this, and I find that taking me out of the story.

The second is that while I like the brisk pace, I feel like it\'s a bit too rushed at times, and we miss out on potentially great character moments because of it.

That said, I\'m gonna keep reading. It\'s a helluva fun ride...
Comic: Turbo Defiant 3/5
Good webcomic with pretty phenomenal art. I also really like the format (how the panels unfold and change as you click is very cool), but it could do with some good editing on the dialogue and writing in general. Sorta takes me out of it a little, \'cause the way the characters speak just doesn\'t feel natural. Otherwise good times all round.
Comic: 4/5
An incredibly strange and entertaining strip, Quirky art style to go with the humor.
Comic: kukuburi 5/5
Awesome art, gripping story, and skeleton who dresses like a pimp. What more could you ask for?
Comic: The Abominable Charles Christopher 5/5
Definitely a favorite of mine. Some may find it slow paced, but I think it works.

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