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User Profile For Randomperson  
Comments Posted: 18
Favourites: 89
Profile Images Posted: 0
Comic Synopses Posted: 1
Below is a list of comments made by Randomperson, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Grim Tales from Down Below 1/5
WTF?! What is this I don\'t even..... I have to bleach my eyes after reading this. :/
Comic: Questionable Content 5/5
Why are there so many bad reviews for this comic? I personally think it is one of the best comics on the web. The characters are well developed, the storyline is good, and it\'s hilarious. Sometime\'s I\'ll be reading it and I\'ll laugh really loud and freak out anyone that happens to be sitting near me. There is so much I could say about this comic but I don\'t feel like typing all of it. ^_^ Anyway.... great comic!
Comic: AfterStrife 5/5
This is a great comic! I finished reading it in a few hours. Though it is a finished comic it is still worth a read!
Comic: Edward Cullen Vs... 5/5
Hilarious! My favorite has to be the old Greg one. \"I\'ve got a MAN-GINA!! I\'m OLD GREEEEEEEEGG!\" XD ROFLMAO
Comic: Dead Days 5/5
Wow this comic is hilarious! Mostly because I can relate to a lot of the stuff in this comic. xD You didn\'t by any chance go to Kent State did you? lol
Comic: Cyanide and Happiness 5/5
I <3 this comic! It\'s hilarious! :D
Comic: Charby the Vampirate  
Oops double post... Sorry :(
Comic: Charby the Vampirate 5/5
There is so much I could say about this comic but there is probably not enough room for all of it! The art is amazing, the story is unique and interesting, the characters are very well developed, and this comic is very funny. This comic almost always makes me laugh. If you read this comic without cracking at least one smile then you have serious mental problems. ^_^ jk But seriously this has to be by far my favorite webcomic.
Comic: Charby the Vampirate 5/5
There is so much I could say about this comic but there is probably not enough room for all of it! The art is amazing, the story is unique and interesting, the characters are very well developed, and this comic is very funny. This comic almost always makes me laugh. If you read this comic without cracking at least one smile then you have serious mental problems. ^_^ jk But seriously this has to be by far my favorite webcomic.
Comic: Neurotically Yours 5/5
This is an epic win!
Comic: Masked Manor 5/5
This comic is pure comedy! You can\'t read it without cracking at least one smile. :)
Comic: Celebrity Skinned 5/5
LOL!!! This comic is awesome! Hilarious!
Comic: Ghost Train 4/5
Interesting story so far....
Comic: Stick'em Up 5/5
One of the funniest comics I\'ve read in a long time.
Comic: Ghost Comics 4/5
Tee hee hee. This comic made me lol.
Comic: Unlife Is Unfair 5/5
I love this comic! =D It\'s funny, has a good storyline, the art is very good, and in my opinion it\'s so gosh darn cute! X3
Comic: Abian 5/5
This comic is... epic...awesome... I read the entire thing in one sitting... that doesn\'t happen very often for me.

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