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User Profile
User Profile For bhartley  
Comments Posted: 1
Favourites: 74
Profile Images Posted: 1
Comic Synopses Posted: 2
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by bhartley that are currently in use.

Comic: Alex Ze Pirate
The continuing adventures of Alex Ze Pirate and her crew as they sail the seas and plunder... or blunder.
Comic: Clique Refresh
A ballad to friendship, a love letter to the Internet; Clique Refresh tells the story of Ellie Cleary and her intense desire to “grow up.” She is determined to show everyone around her she is independent, that she can take on anything all on her own. The only problem is she really, really can’t stand on her own yet and she hates to admit when she’s wrong. Lucky for Ellie, she has a group of intensely loyal friends that would support her through any storm. What is special about Ellie’s friends, is that they’ve never met in person. Not even once. No. I’m serious, they haven’t met. Through video chats, e-mail threads, and the group’s obsession with a strange new game called Ether Ruin, Ellie experiences friendship in a way unique to our generation.

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