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User Profile For mattwileyart  
I make cool things.
Comics By mattwileyart: Hyperboy Comics
Comments Posted: 4
Favourites: 0
Profile Images Posted: 3
Comic Synopses Posted: 3
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Below is a list of comments made by mattwileyart, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Gravity 5/5
The artwork perfectly captures the serious mood, and the tone was very well established through each issue. I got a big kick out this comic.
Comic: Hyperboy Comics  
This site has recently changed domains to
since Comicgenesis keeps going down.
Comic: Mac Hall 5/5
Awesome comic. But updated infrequently.

If you like humorous, full color, well-drawn comics that are updated weekly, scoot yourself on over to

It' s updated every Wednesday despite what this site says.
Comic: Hyperboy Comics 5/5
Please ignore the date in the last updated section. This comic is updated about every Wednesday.

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