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User Profile For dumoktheartist  
Uncle Dumok Here! Hello Fan-Boys and Fan-Girls!
Comics By dumoktheartist: A call to Destiny, Alter-Verse, Monster Lover NC-17, Shadow-Root, War-Mage, WarMage
Comments Posted: 12
Favourites: 128
Profile Images Posted: 6
Comic Synopses Posted: 12
ICQ 474310219
Yahoo! madgoblin2001
Below is a list of comments made by dumoktheartist, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Edge the Devilhunter 5/5
Awesome webcomic!
Comic: Evil Diva 5/5
This is an Awesome Web-comic, a cool take on the whole Magical Girl/Angels vs. Demons/High School Drama genres. Great Job!
Comic: Necropolis: A Post-Apocalyptic Fairy Tale 5/5
Comic: The Beauties And The Beasts 5/5
Nice work clean simple lines and a so Far promising story of Naughtiness...Great work,
Comic: A call to Destiny  
WHy am I in the Top 100?
Well Because
A) People apparently Like it.
B) I update Consistantly
C) I love what I am doing...
D) I shamelessly Promote
Comic: Jenny Everywhere and the Crossing Over Worlds 5/5
Excellent work so far, Keep it up!
Comic: Cintara 5/5
AWESOME comic Dude, The story is extremely tight
Comic: A call to Destiny  
I dont HAVE to do an ip check because I dont need to prove anything. I have alot more stuff to do than to create a fake persona Just to pump up My comic's rating.
I am currently at what? 82 (Still in the Top 100) and where are you in the ratings Now? Thank you.
Why would I need to pretend to be someone else just to rate myself and pay myself a compliment?
I do that Plenty under this Nick. I dont need to Lie and pretend to be someone else.
Comic: Unlikely Heroes 3/5
Not bad...a little rough but definitely Not bad.
Great Job.
Comic: A call to Destiny  
Actually Pillager isnt me a simple IP search will prove that. Gee jardel, You really cant stand it when people might actually like something you hate?
I guess you have nothing better to do.
Comic: Darkness Falls 5/5
Great work so far I love your use of Poser, Hope to see more.
Comic: A call to Destiny  
Okay I still have the other websites for the comic, it is going to break down like this.
I will eventually use the bravenet site to show case character art.

the Yahoo group will be my storage space/fan group. roup/ACTDcomic/

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