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Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by c_arnold that are currently in use.

Comic: A Knight Comic
Hailing from the Great Kingdom of Central,

Brianne Ironheart wants nothing more in life than to become a knight. However, an artifact born of an ancient sorcerer has cursed her to be unable to touch metal. Not one to be kept down, Brianne is always looking for valorous opportunities to prove herself worthy of her long-desired title.

Will Muzzi writes and draws this comic. How novel. He also studied animation, and does another comic called Stray: Demiad. He hopes to make enough money to live on by doing these things, but understands that Rome wasn\'t built in a day. Or, whatever, fantasy Rome.

Alt Comic Location:
Comic: A Study In Scarlet & Blue
Spider-Man and all related characters are owned by Marvel Comics.

This is a fan made comic by Meg Syverud, a storyboard artist working in the animation industry.

Read Meg\'s main comic project Daughter of the Lilies at
Comic: Action Time Buddies
In the summer of 2012, Robby Bevard, asked me if I had seen some of the new cartoons out now, “My Little Pony Friendship is magic” and “Adventure Time.” I’d heard about these programs but I’d never really looked into them before then. I’m so glad I did now! And I’m glad Robby wanted to co-create a new comic inspired by these new shows as well as some of our old favorites like “Thundercats” and ” TMNT”.

What we didn’t want to do is tread the ground that’s been covered by those shows. They were inspirational, but there was territory from our own childhood experiences to explore.

While MLP and AT have themes in friendship and adventure, Action Time Buddies delves into discovery of new and wonderful places to play. Action Time Buddies takes place in a playpark world. Our heroes cross sandbox continents, swing through tireswing forests, dance across floor-piano cities, and sail rollercoaster oceans!
Comic: Adventures of God
Follow God\'s mishaps in Heaven - as a ruler who\'s often forgetful, has a fragile ego, and a drinking problem.
Comic: Alabama: Here We Rest
A weird little comic that has yet to describe itself as anything more then a project.
Comic: Alba
Alba is done 100% digitally. I thumbnail pages on paper, but sketching, inking, and coloring are done in Photoshop. The watercolor effect is a combination of a favorite brush and scanned ink washes.

Does Skeleton Boy have a name?

Why are updates always late?
Because Alba is an unpaid labor of love, I (literally) cannot afford to make it a priority in my hefty to-do list of clientele work. As I work very hard to stay punctual while maintaining quality with my freelance jobs, it is difficult for me to stay ahead of schedule with this comic. I really, truly am sorry that it more often than not misses the update hour, but know that I am trying my best and value your readership tremendously.

Why is it set in Connecticut?
I grew up in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, and every name and place in the comic references my upbringing there. It’s a beautiful and very quiet place with a famous decommissioned mental asylum that inspired the setting for this story. Fun fact: my town is the birthplace of Scrabble.

Why does Alba take place post-WWII?
It serves as an allegorical parallel. You can read about it more in-depth here.

Burning question? Ask away.
Comic: Alcatraz High
"Alcatraz High" is a coming of age story set in a high-tech prototype school where the security is more emphasized than the education. The high tech includes metal detectors, surveillance cameras, laser barred classrooms, giant security robots and artificial intelligent virtual teachers. In this story, the jocks play a futuristic version of football in giant mech robots and the cheerleaders perform on a hoovering stage above the exhuberant crowd of fans and the student body.

Within this fantastic and futuristic “big brother” world, two social misfits rebel against the social and administrative structure and chaos and adventure unfolds!

Alcatraz High: High Education, Higher Security!
Comic: Alfie
Right now I am drawing a short story about a halfling girl meeting humans for the first time. After I am done with it I plan on starting another one immediately. Not sure what it\'s gonna be about yet.

I am gonna draw this webcomic one way or another so you really don\'t have to pay for it. But if you like my work and want to support me in some way consider pledging some money to me by way of patreon:

Up till now my only sources of income were either commissions, or work for paysites. Neither one allows me to both work on my own ideas and share the results with a wide audience. That\'s why I joined patreon. Right now I spend more or less 1,5h on the comic each day, but if I get some money for it I\'ll put in more work. Which might or might not result in more pages per day. Who knows.

Finished pages of the comic can be found here:

Sketches, WIP\'s and pages without the dialogue added can be found here:

And if you want to support my work, you can do so here:
Comic: Alien Echo
Alien Echo is a free weekly web-comic written and illustrated by Stephen R. Buell and brought to you by the Lost In The Dark Press.
Comic: Angels' Power
Angels... A superior and power-hungry race that would rewrite the definition of evil if it meant to protect their newly established world order.
Evadrion is one of them.
Comic: Anlabban
Tala is a warrior and hunter raised in a society of pacifists. When a neighboring clan of creatures invades her valley and enslaves her people, Tala must draw upon the mystic powers of a magical skull mask to grant herself the strength and courage to stand up for her people who have forgotten how to fight back.
Comic: ANOBU
A fairly new series of illustrated furry erotic short stories by Timber Rwolf (Timothy Ross).
Comic: Arthur's Horrifying Horror Vault (of Horrors)
Updates whenever!
Comic: Atomic Robo
Comic: Aviary
Aviary is on its surface an adventure story. Set in a derelict world where humans struggle to coexist with a new intelligent species and reclaim what they have lost, it is a story about survival and the tenacity of life.

But more than any of that, Aviary is a story about perspective, understanding, and the bird cages we build for ourselves.
Comic: Bad For Sleep
BAD FOR SLEEP is the story of Marta Rosen, a young woman who aspires to become a published author. Just as she had lost all hope of achieving her dreams, fate intervenes and sets her on a path leading to her fabulous new destiny — although possibly at the cost of her sanity.

Set in fictional PINETOWN, NEW YORK, Bad For Sleep is an introspective journey through love, friendship and the mind of a struggling writer. Marta, fueled by her passion for the written word and coffee, opens up to the world around her, finding meaning in her existence through her relationships with others.
All the work in that place are produced by Bachan, a Mexican illustrator. He\'s starting to translate his work into English, and want to know if somebody outside his country likes it.
Comic: Bananas and Binary
Bananas and Binary is a deep investigative journey into the perilous toils of the human psyche and a thorough discussion of modern man. It also contains dick jokes.

But seriously, this comic is more than just a couple guys sitting on a couch. It’s sort of a dumping grounds for a bunch of ideas we’ve shared with each other over the years. While each was entertaining in their own way, individually they didn’t quite add up to their own comic. Here we’ve made a world they can all live in together with a narrative just goofy enough to do them all justice.
Comic: Battlelords: What The Fott
It all started when we had a fun idea to make a comic based in the Battlelords of the Twenty-Third Century® universe.

Cera and her Smart Gun grew out of a concept for a Battlelords animated series pitch we put together in late 2010. Cera was a friend of the main character. The web comic is Cera’s story and her life on the war torn planet of Trell. Once we realized her weapon was a Smart Gun that should talk everything started to fall into place.
Comic: Beatriz Overseer
Follow Beatriz on her quest to save her Kingdom, while trying to keep her head over her shoulders and not giving her poor assistant a heart attack!(in which she fails horribly)
Comic: BJ Serious
BJ Serious is a comic about a mage living in the mundane world because she couldn’t find a job in her magical homeland, New London; a common problem due to over-crowding. As we get to known our lovable protagonist, some things will happen. I hope you enjoy those things.
Comic: Bob's Discount Gag Emporium
Rzie Labs, LLC is a freelance art company with an emphasis on cartooning. The company founder, Tucker Rzepecki, is the somewhat bawdy* cartoonist responsible for those nameless comics you see floating all over the web signed “Bob Rz.” Tucker got his start posting risque but whiny comics on Deviant Art using that pen name.

A few years back. Tucker decided that it was silly to keep calling himself “Bob.” He also concluded it was silly to keep being an emo kid on Deviant Art. Tucker chose to move his comics to their own website, because why have your comics displayed for free when you can pay for it? He even gave his comics a name, “Bob’s Discount Gag Emporium.”

Tucker currently lives near Olympia Washington, where he’s stuck in a dead end job selling overpriced rocks to people with too much money (jewelry sales.)

There are lots of ways to follow Tucker; hidden radio transmitters, satellite spy cams, a large unmarked white conversion van… But the preferred methods would be through Google+, and Facebook. He also has a Twitter, but he never uses that.
Comic: Boobgirl
A super heroine with an attitude attempts to kick demonic ass before the other heroes in her town can. Why? To be recognized of course! She\'s sexy, nerdy, and powerful. Don\'t mess with Boobgirl!
Comic: Boobs and Math
boobs and math dot com is a surreal/humour webcomic written and drawn by neil lalonde (see below!). it will definitely contain blood and gore, though probably not much in way of nudity and likely even less in mathematical content. I\'m pretty sure sometimes there won\'t even be jokes. boobs and math dot com will fail to deliver everything it promises and is sure to disappoint on every conceivable level.

neil is not 25 yet. He looks a bit like adam scott if he\'s flattering himself and lives in calgary, a place on earth. he doesn\'t believe in god, has a gap in his front teeth that people frequently think is food, and wears a lot of plaid because of course he does.
Comic: Busty Girl Comics
If you want to jump right into the comics without dealing with my babbling,there’s a “Comics” tag that lets you view just comics.
If you want to know more about the artist, I’m Rampaige and I don’t usually bite.
If you’d like to make a suggestion, send an ask. (I can’t answer everything but I do read them all. Promise.)
If you’re looking for advice for bras, breast reduction, and beauty tips, check out the FAQ page for suggestions from other readers.
Feel free to share on Pinterest, please remember to source.
There’s a Facebook page if you’d like to talk to other fans.
If you’d like to support the artist, there’s a BGC store and donations are accepted.
If you’re unsure about whether or not you’re busty enough to read these comics, you should probably go to this link.

I think that’s everything. I really love making this comic for you guys and I hope this makes it easier to enjoy them. Should I add anything else?
Comic: Casket
CASKET is a crime drama comic series by Adriel Forsyth, known on-line as Fangdangler.

it concerns the interactions of:
a depressed police officer
an aging police chief
a near-superhuman rookie
a female bank robber
a powerful and dangerous madam in the inner city
a small crime family
and many others.
basically the theme is about how even though violence almost never solves problems, it is ingrained in human nature.
it will update very infrequently, and in chapter form.
i have not made many attempts at humor in this work.
it is a serious story, and contains mature themes and situations. some of the depictions are not for the faint of heart or frail of imagination.
that said, thank you so very much for taking the time to read my work and experience my vision.
Comic: Cassiopeia Quinn
The galaxy's most popular outlaw (if you're into that sort of thing). Cassiopeia describes herself variously as a "procurement specialist," "irregular cargo transporter,""astro-navigatrix," "aerial speedster," "heistologist" [sic], and "space explorerizer" [sic]. Her likes include adventure, pantslessness, and her pal Zeke.

Member of Hiveworks
Comic: Chats with the Void
A comic about existentialism, advice, and how cool animal skulls look 💀
Welcome to Cocotte, our weekly webcomic. It’s written and lettered by Kat Vapid and drawn and colored by me, Ryan Kelly.
Comic: CommitStrip
The blog relating the daily life of web agency developers
Comic: Conchord
The comic updates weekly with a new page every Friday.
Welcome to this new rare adventure. We’re happy to come back with this comic again. You may not know but we started back in the year 2007, in a chilean comic magazine called “Caleuche Comic” here in Chile. Many things happened, most of them great, we gained a lot of fans who enjoyed reading us, and it was the first time we were published. But destiny wanted something else and things stopped to work and our comic couldn’t see the light anymore, until this very day.

We really hope you enjoy reading this webcomic!
Comic: Crossed
CROSSED is a horror comic book for mature readers from Avatar Press. It is in print in a series of comic books and graphic novel collections at your local comic shop and bookstore. The free, weekly webcomic CROSSED: WISH YOU WERE HERE is here on, and the ongoing bi-weekly CROSSED: BADLANDS is available now from your comic retailer.
Comic: Ctenophorae
A mature comic featuring anthropomorphic monster girls by Slugbox.
Comic: Cucumber Quest
Cucumber Quest is a comic about bunny kids going on adventures and having fun. It’s written and drawn by Gigi DG. The current update schedule is Sundays and Wednesdays, with bonus updates whenever.
Comic: Daisy's Diner
Updates should be semi-weekly - I\'m pushing to have a new page ready each Wednesday. However, there may be a delay if I\'m working on other projects, particularly freelance work.
-Jared Lindquist
Comic: DELVE Into Fantasy
DELVE is a epic Fantasy RPG turned Comic, written, drawn and created by Del Borovic. The original concept and creation of the characters occured in late 1999. Originally meant to be an old-school pixel RPG, much work was done to that end. Multiple versions of the game were made, one with one half hour of playable content. Unfortunately as RPG-creation programs became more complicated, doing all the writing, art and coding became too much work for one person, and all of it was put aside. Through all that time the story and characters have continued to grow into a story of epic proportions. And then- a bolt of inspiration! Why not do the story as a comic instead, but still keeping all its RPG flare, and throwing away none of the previous work?
Comic: Disenchanted
Vermintown is a sprawling troglopolis built of scavenged detritus.

Its maze of buildings – which began their lives as soda cans, cereal boxes, styrofoam cups and the like – is spread across both platforms of Wardour Street Station, dipping down onto the tracks, rising up the pedestrian stairways and clamouring along every VastFolk walkway. Despite the relatively small area the city therefore occupies, its population – given that the average resident is just one inch tall – now exceeds one million.
Comic: Doodle Alley
Doodle Alley used to be my gallery website, but is now the home of this picture blog. I started this project to encourage a dialogue between artists and creative types like myself about what the ideal creator looks like. I feel like sometimes we are myopically focused on perfecting our craft, and forget to build a healthy lifestyle to sustain ourselves and our creativity. This blog explores not just process, but principles.

I can only work on this project in my free time, so updates will be random and infrequent depending upon the season– please add this blog to your rss feeds or follow me on twitter or facebook to get reminders!
Comic: Downlovable Content
Comic: Dreaming of Utopia
“Dreaming of Utopia” is a mature comic (PG-13) that takes place the early 1990’s. Imagine there are no furry conventions, no furry culture as it exists in the real world, either then or now. Further, there is no Internet to speak of, no webcomics, no smart phones, iPods, tablets, DVDs, or other present-day technology to get in the way of our story. Just people.

For the purposes of our story, furries are not anthropomorphic animals, real animals, magical animals, animal-human hybrids, or aliens. Furries are people (that is to say, human beings), who practice a religion called Furryism. And being a furry isn’t easy.
Comic: Dumm Comics
Dumm Comics is updated daily with several different stories. The comics are a weird mix, but I\'m sure folks will find something they like in them. The titles are as follows:

1930 Nightmare Theatre by Ricky on Mondays & Fridays
Life in the Analog Age by Gabe on Tuesdays
Wicked Wickle by Luke on Wednesdays
Skadi by Katie & Luke on Thursdays
Rad Raz by Jack on Saturdays
Frog Racoon Strawberry by Kyle & John on Sundays
Comic: Dungeonistas
Join a fledgling trio of adventuring lasses as they brave dark dungeons for kick ass loots and the adventures that invariably go with. Laughter, fan-service, and fantasy, what more could you ask for?
Comic: Dust to Dust
A detective noir comic with murder, drugs and cute animals.
Comic: dustinteractive
Comic: ElissaBett
It\'s still new...
Comic: Emily Carrol | Comics
Hello – I’m Emily! I was born in June of 1983, graduated from Sheridan College’s classical animation program in 2005, and moved out to Vancouver, British Columbia about a week after that to work in the television animation industry. I live with fellow artist Kate Craig and our large and rather bow-legged cat, Tuco.

In addition to the work on this site, I also maintain a number of galleries devoted to my various interests: my Gaming Flickr Set houses all of my video game related fan art, my Dune Flickr Set showcases all my fan art relating to the Dune series by Frank Herbert, and Draw This Dress is a tumblr where Vera Brosgold and I challenge each other to draw various fashions from bygone eras.

A Little Bit About My Process: I work primarily in Photoshop (for an example of the custom brushes I use, please see this sampling), but all of my comics are inked first on smooth bristol, mostly with a nib and a big of drybrushing thrown in, and then scanned and colored on the computer. I use custom textures I’ve scanned in myself, typically ink washes on smooth illustration board (example), and apply them in Photoshop to try to give the digital colour more of an organic feel.

(I’m constantly learning and fooling around with different methods of working though, so this is apt to change anytime!)

If you’d like to contact me directly, my email is:

For rights information or queries concerning projects, please contact my agent:

Jen Linnan
Linnan Literary Management LLC
Comic: Empowered
Empowered is an original English-language manga style comic written and illustrated by Adam Warren.

Member of Hiveworks
Comic: Empty Knights
Happy New year, and with a new year, we have a new one shot comic! (Yeah I know, PBMU has been on hiatus since last January) but this one is a comic that will be alternating art-styles page by page between me and my Co-Author/Artist PaulGQ, <- You can go there to check out his other works.
This comic will update every-friday, with me kicking off the first page next friday. The background panels are drawn by me in this title page, and the front characters are all done by PaulGQ.
(I think my name\'ll pop up as Hellya instead of Zeph for this comic. To avoid confusion for those reading from off site)
We\'ve been working on this comic for the past three months. It\'s a one shot, but if it\'s well liked enough, perhaps another chapter could be made if people desired it.
But until then, get ready for Empty Knights!
Comic: Endless City
For your regular dose of crazy action, wacky antics, unusual characters, and simply freaky comicbook shenanigans! Follow the adventure of Danger Dave and Miko, as they fight crime in Endale City.
Comic: Endless Library
Endless Library by \"whistlinfrog\".
Comic: Erotibotica
Comic: Fred Perry's Gold Digger
Gold Digger focuses on the adventures of Gina Babette Diggers, polymath superscientist, archeologist, teacher, adventurer, nerd, and idealist extraordinaire, accompanied by her colourful extended family, friends, students, and acquaintances, as she explores the strange and ancient hidden histories of the world, spanning a wide distinctive variety of characters, stories, environments, worlds, societies, times, species, and universes of magic and science fiction, in a world filled with possibilities.

The series features a wide selection of distinctive and compelling characters, with emphasis on equal treatment of both men and women.
-courtesy Wikipedia
Comic: Freelance Freedom
With over 100 weekly comic strips and counting, Freelance Freedom is an institution around here. Check out of all NC\'s brilliant work in the archives.
Comic: Friends With Boys
Being homeschooled and raised with three brothers had its problems, but Maggie\'s life is about to get a lot more complicated as she faces her greatest trial yet - entering public school for the first time!
Comic: Funrama
Inspired by Chris Claremont’s Uncanny X-Men, I decided to create my own comic in 1986 featuring my own team of superheroes. So, Funrama was born! I was 11 years-old and I created Funrama with ball point pens and magic markers on copy paper. I used a friend’ s copy machine to make duplicates of the comic to share with others.

All in all, I created roughly 50 issues of the comic between the ages of 11 and 16. Unfortunately, due to a house fire, I lost all the copies of the original incarnation of Funrama, except for one: issue #13 (which I had stored elsewhere, by luck.)

Funrama featured a team called the Mutant Dudes. They lived on an island off the coast of Galveston, TX called Funrama. The original team was Manta Man, Jaguar, Cactus Man, Shadow Man, Condor and Silver Bullet. The first villains they fought were The Mutant Punks which consisted of Concord, Lead Head, Twisterella, The Fog (called Ghost at the time) and Bombcat. Other villains they fought were Tarantula, Crimson Dread, and L.L CO, all of which are re-appearing in Funrama today.

Later Funrama cast members included Sphere (A robot that is now the character Adam Bomb who will be introduced in Funrama #5); Megawatt (an electrical character that will appear in the second volume); andHolocaust, who is now called Freakshow and made his appearance in Funrama #2.

The first female member of Funrama was Hygeia the Goddess Of Health. She appeared in issue #23 and will be reintroduced in the current run with issue #4. Shortly after that, Brawn joined, a strong character who will reappear in the 2nd volume; Flora who is now Raccoon’s friend and debuted in issue #2; And Raccoon herself , who joined around the original issue #31, and is now a main character starting with the current 2nd issue.

The biggest change to Funrama, from then to now, are the characters Mantaboy and Henry The Clown. Mantaboy is a new character I made in 2000, after I decided to sack the character Manta Man. We will definitely see a lot of him! Then, I needed a character to be in charge of Funrama, the island iself. So, I created this clown character, who was a thin echo of a “brainy” midget character I had in the original run, named simply “Brain”. Almost all of my old characters will be reappearing in the current Funrama storyline in some way or another. Raccoon’s parents, Burn and Dodge, have already appeared. Condor and Silverbullet will be a very big presence in the story.

In 2000, after graduating from college, I decided to relaunch Funrama with all of these new ideas. The result was a promotional first issue that was printed by my alma mater The Minneapolis College Of Art And Design. This was many fan’s first introduction to Funrama. The comic is still available to purchase, but I usually don’t sell it because it’s now more of a curious relic of the past. A false start. Funrama stalled after that as I became busy with trying to earn a living.

In 2008, I tried to relaunch Funrama as a limited series and pitched it to various publishers, but many were not interested. Some publishers were nice. Some couldn’t care less. Ultimately, I pulled it away from the idea of getting it published from a traditional publisher. Why should I give them my best comic when they’re not interested or need to carve it down and water down all the creativity? I’ll just make my comic for the one person who will truly value it: Myself!

In 2010, I officially launched Funrama with Funrama #1: Presents The Mutant Punks. I quickly went to work on #2 and released Funrama #2: Presents Raccoon in early 2012. I’m now at work with Funrama #3: Cactus Man. Issue #4 will tell the story of Hygeia and #5 will introduce Adam Bomb.

The first 5 issues tell a sort of “Prequel” story about a team forming to serve on a great mission. Those first 5 issues will be collected in a trade paperback which would be neat if a publisher published it. If not, I’ll do it myself. After that, The real story begins. All the characters will meet together as a team and go on a great adventure. That will take place in issue #6-10. It would be neat if a publisher published that. If not, I’ll do it myself.

Now, I present to you where you can read the first issue for free (it’s out of print) and purchase #2. Stop by to get updates on future installments. I will be selling things in the shop and updating cast members. And most of all, have FUN. I hope you will continue to help me by supporting FUNRAMA! Thanks.

Funrama and all characters © Ryan Kelly
Comic: GhostBlade
Long, long ago in Neraland, the pious human built a great tower to show the respect to their goddessm Nera.
Goddess Nera was deeply moved by human piety; to reward them, she opened a door at the top of the tower. This ethereal door connected to another world; it was known as—Heaven Eye.
Comic: Helvetica
Helvetica is a young man who has recently died! When you die, you don’t remember anything in life, and your first word(s) is your name. This story follows Helvetica’s desire to uncover who he was in life, his existential crises, and his struggle to make death worth living.

It updates every Friday.

Helvetica is written and illustrated by j.n.w., who lives in Columbus, Ohio. You can find j.n.w.\'s art blog at
Comic: HighJump
A comic featuring a pulp heroine fighting Nazis, robots, mad scientists, and femme fatales. Maybe Nazi femme fatales with robots. Because you never know.
I ROVED OUT IN SEARCH OF TRUTH AND LOVE is a warmly pornographic fantasy saga that just started up on

Elves! Intrigue! Beefcake! Tentacles! Tenderly! A frog! What am I SAYING? Check it out! I’m so excited! Spread it around!

this thing exists thanks to the support of all my cool patrons on Patreon:
Comic: I'm so Goth!
Comic: Into The Mangrove
About Into the Mangrove
Welcome to the Mangrove. Enjoy your stay.

Into the Mangrove is a comic meant to touch on some lesser known issues of mankind… Along with that we cover many other sorts of other random, vulgar, and lewd material that is flat out unacceptable for most people. If you enjoy that sort of thing, then you have found the right place.

The characters featured in our comics are not meant to be role models, but more so a stripped down honest version of people being people… Or in some cases total pieces of shit, it doesn’t matter. But what does matter is not getting all “butt hurt” over it you pussy bitch. In other words, we all get into some shit, let shit be shit. Some is based on our personal life experiences, and others are based off of the terrible unrelated brain farts floating around in our pitiful minds. All in all we are Mangrove, and the Mangrove takes what it wants.

Into the Mangrove is a project helmed by Brad Hock and Maximilian Uriarte, two dudes of dudes of bros of bros, of guys. Originally from Chicago, Brad is a cartoonist who derives much of his comedy from his background in sports and unusual life experiences propelled by his thirst for action and danger. Many would describe him as a mix of Clint Eastwood and Ray Lewis combined with a silverback gorilla, only with a larger penis… You may know Max from his work on Terminal Lance. Max is a former Marine (possibly the manliest occupation on earth) and is known for his vulgar but genuine humor amongst the legions of Terminal Lance fans all over the military.

Into the Mangrove updates every Monday… (If we feel like it.)
Comic: It\'s The Tie
It’s the Tie is a gag a week comic strip that focuses on various topics, including Billy Mays, lizards, and more lizards.
Comic: Jake Likes Onions
A bi-weekly comic by Jake
Comic: Jo - a webcomic
A BAMF webcomic about a BAMF cow-girl by Jackpot and Soyouz.
Comic: Joe is Japanese
Japanese mom + Irish dad = Joe McCunney.

He’s Japanese.

More or less…

Joe is Japanese is based on the real adventures of a 35-year-old “hafu-breed” who firmly believes he has to grow up. These are the wild chronicles of the (somewhat) true events of Joe McCunney and his friends, lovers, enemies, and surrounding companions. Joe is Japanese is drawn proof that no-one ever truly fits into their society and that in the end, it’s OK to be different.

Bear in mind that fabrication is quite possibly the norm. If it helps you to watch the show, or read the comic, believing that everything is true, then next time we’re on Oprah, we’ll continue the facade…

… and continue to tell stories that make up Joe’s life

… as they made him into what he is today, Japanese.
Comic: Johnny Wander
Johnny Wander might be about life after college, being a kid, growing up and all the people you meet and all the things that happen in that brave new world.

Or it might be about something else entirely.

Member of Hiveworks
Comic: Just Another Sheep
In 1967 a teen poet has the ability to make anyone feel what he’s felt– literally!

JUST ANOTHER SHEEP is the story of Banning, the powerful poet learning to think for himself, instead of blindly placing his trust.

Mat Heagerty - writer
JD Smith - penciller/inker
Jon Cairns - colorist & design

Created by Mat Heagerty & JD Smith
Lettering by Ed Brisson
Occasional Flatting by Renee Keyes
Additional Web Design by Michael Heagerty
Comic: Kindatall
Webcomic by Kazarinka about a young woman who\'s kind of tall.
Comic: Kindling
In the world of Kindling, civilization as we know it perished in a global cataclysm that buried humanity beneath the snows of a generations-long winter. Spring has finally come. Set in the American Southwest, Kindling chronicles a group of survivors as they contend with the dangers of the new world and endeavor to rebuild.
Comic: Lady Sabre & The Pirates of the Ineffable Aether
Swords are cool. People fighting with swords are cool. Airships are cool. Cowboys are cool. Pirates are cool. Clockwork men are cool. Smart, savvy, witty women are very cool. Laconic gunslingers? Totally cool. Steampunk? Frosty.

That’s what Lady Sabre & the Pirates of the Ineffable Aether is, that’s what it’s about. The adventures of the Lady Seneca Sabre and those she meets along the way as she travels the Sphere. Who she fights, who she foils, who she befriends. It’s about adventure and romance and excitement and, to paraphrase the great Zaphod Beeblebrox, “really wild things.”

And most of all, what it’s supposed to be? It’s supposed to be fun.

You remember fun, right? That thing that most print comics seems to have forgotten in their desperate attempt to cling to readers, continuity, and a market that has outstripped and overtaken them? The thing that comes from enjoying a good story where you want to know what happens next and the characters are cool and the villains are villainous and the heroes are heroic because they’re heroes?

Now don’t get us wrong. We’re all for tugging the heartstrings and bringing tears to the eyes. That’s part of a good story, too, and – perhaps paradoxically – those emotions can also be fun. And we aim to play the heartstrings, to move you as much as to entertain you, to make you care about the people in this world we’ve created.

Oh, you want to know about the world? Here’s all you need.

The world, as our characters know it, is called the Sphere, an open, empty sky dotted with Lands, those pieces of terrain that somehow seem to float above it all. The Lands vary in sizes – some of them quite small, barely a city block perhaps, and others the size of continents. Did we say an empty sky? Well, not quite. The Aether – invisible, ineffable – permeates everything, everywhere. Between Lands, its properties change, allowing Aether Ships, effectively sailing vessels, to travel the vast open spaces. Where Aether meets Land, it is more diffuse, weaker, but no less unknown.

There are four Major Powers in the Sphere, roughly analogous to the European Powers from the Age of Enlightenment. Science marches on, its progress slowed somewhat in the face of Magick. Speculation is rife about the connections between the Aether and wizardy and witchcraft.

The Aether is not calm, nor is it complacent. Aether Storms arise in the vast spaces between Lands, treacherous and unpredictable to sailors and Landlubbers alike. Once every hundred years or so, Great Storms descend, and where they make Landfall, they have the ability to remake entire Lands, erasing in one moment what centuries, even aeons, have created. Whole civilizations have vanished from the Sphere at the touch of a Great Storm.

And where one Land is vanished, the Sages speculate, another comes into existence….
Comic: Lady Valiant
Lady Valiant is an on-going web-comic with a superhero theme and a subtle sense of sensuality and fun. We want to make comics that are fun and sexy, dramatic but not too serious.

Check the full comic out at!
Comic: Legend of the Valkyrie
Legend of the Valkyrie was released into Japanese arcades in 1989. An action adventure game, Valkyrie was ported to PC-Engine and Wii Shop Channel's Virtual console as Japan-only exclusives, but is available in English on Namco Musuem Volume 5 for the PlayStation. The new webcomic puts Valkyrie and Sandra in new adventures and is written Ash Paulsen and illustrated by Fernando Heinz Furukawa.
Comic: Let's Speak English
Let's Speak English is an autobiographical comic about my time as an English Teacher in Japan!

It started in November 2013, and I plan to continue it until I move home and hopefully make a book :)

For general questions about my life in Japan, I have a FAQ over on my tumblr:
Comic: Little League
“Little League” is a side project of “Gifted” creator Yale Stewart. A weekly webcomic, it follows the adventures of popular DC comic characters as children in elementary school. Mostly funny, with a dash of pathos, it should be an enjoyable read for any fans of DC Comics characters as well as people who enjoy the traditional syndicated comic strip.

“Little League” is not related to DC Comics in any way, and is created for the sole purpose of entertainment. All characters contained in “Little League” are © and property of DC Comics. Creative content, however, is © and property of Yale Stewart.
Comic: Lost Pieces
A love and horror story
Comic: Makeshift Miracle
A young boy named Colby Reynolds searches for meaning in the world around him and discovers a place where dreams can come true, if he’s willing to pay the price. Along the way he’ll see sights he’s never fathomed and encounter hidden truths about himself he’ll wish he never knew.

The Makeshift Miracle is a serialized graphic novel being posted online, 2 pages per week. If you visit the site or add our RSS feed to your favourite reader you’ll be able to follow along with the story as it progresses.

The original Makeshift Miracle story was published online from September 2001 through to March 2003. It was one of the first graphic novels ever serialized and completed online. This new version, started on the 10th anniversary of the original, revisits and expands the characters and mythology with a more in depth story and brand new artwork. A printed version of the story will be collected and published by UDON Comics in 2012.

Whether you were a fan of the original Makeshift or are discovering it for the first time, we hope you enjoy our tale of dreams and mystery.
Comic: Manala Next Door
Welcome to the place next door to the world of the dead.
Comic: Mare Internum
Mare Internum is an online science fiction graphic novel about the isolated inhabitants of the planet Mars. It updates several times a week.

Member of Hiveworks
Comic: Martian Magazine
What is this crap?

This is a webcoimic, starring Foxford the Fox and McBearski the Bear as they have many misadventures with an assortment of colorful characters. Although not always, sometimes it’s random
Comic: Medicine
Updates Fridays.

Story and art by Fangdangler.

Comic: Miles and Poppy
Miles and Poppy is a series of various fun stories involving the best friends, Miles and Poppy.
Comic: Money
MONEY is a sexually explicit, semi-interactive web-comic. Any reader may click on the link titled “enter command” and suggest a course of action or dialogue where appropriate; You, the readers, will serve as the consciousness, morality, motivations and horniness of an adorable trans-gender protagonist. Mostly the horniness.
Comic: Monster Girls on Tour
Comic: My Boyfriend is a Monster
The My Boyfriend is a Monster series will be published in book form by Graphic Universe starting in Spring 2011!

#1 I LOVE HIM TO PIECES by Evonne Tsang and Janina Görrissen
Dicey Bell and Jack Chen’s relationship would be great—if only their hometown wasn’t overrun by zombies!
$9.95 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-0-7613-7079-6; library binding: 978-0-7613-6004-9

#2 MADE FOR EACH OTHER by Paul D. Storrie and Eldon Cowgur
When shy Maria McBride crashes into the new guy at school, she doesn’t know quite what to do. Tom’s kind and well built and he’s clearly drawn to Maria. But he seems very reluctant to talk about his past and his family—especially his father, the town’s new funeral director.

#3 MY BOYFRIEND BITES by Dan Jolley and Alitha E. Martinez
Vanessa Shingle always thought of boyfriends as fixer-upper projects until she met Jean-Paul. He’s cool and gorgeous, and the only problem with him is his unglamorous job as a janitor. Well, that, and the fact that he may also be a vampire . . .

#4 UNDER HIS SPELL by Marie P. Croall and Hyeondo Park
Bethany Farmer isn’t into cheesy high-school romances until weird but compelling transfer student Allein Atwood shows up. Now she’s faced with a choice: follow her heart and embrace an immortal life in Faerie, or join a fierce battle to save the mortal world.
Comic: My Cage
In the future, all the humans are gone. Now animals have evolved into 'people', amoebae are pets, unseen 3-dimensional humans are gods, and life on still pretty mundane actually. Come see how our animal replacements amuse themselves while working in a boring office and dating.
Comic: My Junk Drawer: Pocket Princesses
Pocket Princesses on Amy Mebberson’s tumblr, My Junk Drawer, is a series of single panel comics starring Disney's Princess's. If you’ve never seen them, you’re in for a treat.
Comic: My Life With Fel
The everyday of Fel and Al. Humor that crosses *stripes*
Comic: NHOJ
NHOJ is creating Daily Comics
Comic: Ninja Monkey Comics
Also find Ninja Monkey Studios on my Twitter:
Comic: Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong
Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong is a graphic novel collaboration between author, Prudence Shen, and comic artist, Faith Erin Hicks. The comic will be updated for free to read here at, leading up to the release of the print edition coming May 2013 from First Second Books!

- – - – - – -

You wouldn’t expect Nate and Charlie to be friends. Charlie’s the laid-back captain of the basketball team, and Nate is the neurotic, scheming president of the robotics club. But they are friends, however unlikely — until Nate declares war on the cheerleaders, and the cheerleaders retaliate by making Charlie their figure-head in the ugliest class election campaign the school as ever seen. At stake? Student group funding that will either cover a robotics competition or new cheer-leading uniforms — but not both.

Bad sportsmanship? Sure. Chainsaws? Why not! Nothing can possibly go wrong.
Comic: Nothing is Forgotten
Nothing is Forgotten by Ryan A. is a silent comic thrown up on Tumblr that has some pretty effective sequences.
Comic: Obsidius
The world of Obsidius is not unlike ours. People wake up every day, getting ready to slip in a familiar routine as they head to work through rush hour traffic. People are born, grow old, and pass away every day in a myriad of ways, leaving behind a human population in constant flux ruled by hierarchies of rules, codes, and laws attempting to bring a chimerical semblance of order. Unbeknownst to many, dark forces are at work in this self-erected gilded cage where humans dwell, taking many shapes and forms, but despite their variety, all these forces seem to have one thing in common: They exist at the edge of our rational mind.

Many inhabitants of this world are not aware that most of the childhood stories and urban legends they have come in contact with contain a grain of truth, and nugget of veracity that has been considered too important to be forgotten, but too dangerous to be boldly stated. Every rumor, superstition, or paranormal event are often nothing more than a twisted recollection of something lurking in the shadow, something man was not meant to meet or face consciously.

Welcome to the world of Obsidius.
Comic: Oh! Mandy
Oh! Mandy is a series of short, erotic stories set during the college years of 20 year old student, Mandy, and her friends. These stories focus mainly on relationships, romance, and life as a budding adult. Definitely not safe for work!

\"Hot for Teacher\" - The story of the beginning of Mandy\'s romance with the Math Professor, Roger Johnson. Will she get in his pants? Probably.

Stories yet to be made:

\"A Mistake\" - A continuation of \'Hot for Teacher\' following up on what happened with Mandy and the Professor.

\"Hit Me, Baby\" - A yet to be revealed, spunky lesbian couple experimenting with a little BDSM.

\"First Time For Everything\" - Alex experiments with a lesbian couple and explores her sexuality.

\"A Guy Named Chad\" - After a one night stand, Alex can\'t seem to fend off the affections of a guy named Chad.
Comic: Oh, Hell
Oh, Hell is set in a world that was created in a long ago unsold screenplay The Imp (not the Adam Sandler film) written by George Wassil and Michael Connell when they met at an UCLA extension course. Since then Wassil and Michael have collaborated in the deveiopment of several feature film scripts.
Comic: Old City Blues
The streets of New Athens are crawling with life - low-life, that is. From mech smugglers to drug dealers, corrupt politicians and all-too-powerful corporations, the city is at the mercy of high-tech criminals out to profit in any way they can, whatever it takes.

This is the story of how Solano, Thermidor and the rest of the Special Police Division X crew fight them back and bring justice - or something like it - to the decaying sprawl of New Athens.

Comic: Oona The Cave Bunny
(description coming soon)
Comic: Original Life +5
Comic: Outnumbered
Not unlike a wildlife documentary you would see on Animal Planet…..This is a “family” strip about “A man living in a woman’s world”.

Meet Mark- husband, father, and second class citizen in his family of five women. He has secretly found the answer for happiness in his life which he doesn’t share with Melody: don’t say anything unless its funny or you really, really have to. The “unless it’s funny” part still gets him into trouble though. He escapes- works at a regular office doing regular, boring work but enjoys it for its lack of people crying and screaming all the time. Ask any of his kids what he does and they have no idea. He loves his family more than life itself but would never wish them on another human being no matter how vile.

All five of the women have their own (strong) personalities that change from day to day:

Melody (wife/mother)- works from home and is super organized. She’s a list making, coupon clipping, calendar keeping, perfectionist! All she cares about is how her girls are being brought up and that Mark isn’t messing them up too much.

Megan (Teenage daughter)- All attitude- and most of it is bad. She cares about her looks and how best to show them off, usually with as much skin as possible. She is artsy, but dark colors and dark images rule in her ‘art’. She enjoys the internet, late night TV, badly chosen boyfriends or anything else that will drive her parents crazy and make them wonder if she is joining a cult.

Ashley – (Pre-Teen daughter)- cheerleader, daddy’s little girl, angel, model-to-be, future millionaire’s wife; these are all things that Ashley thinks she is. She is a cheerleader though. She and her cell phone are BBFs and so is any other preteen girl that loves lip gloss and sparkly hair spray.

Casey and Calley (8 year old twin daughters)- When people first meet them, they can’t tell them apart. After two minutes, though, its obvious. These two are identical in most of their goals, but opposite in the ways they go about obtaining them. Casey is the quirky one, she has worn the same green, dog shaped hat since she was two. Its her security blanket and she talks to it sometimes. Callie acts like she is an angel around everyone but Casey. She loves wearing dresses and keeping up the act of nicest, cutest of the family.
Autobiography of a girl who can't calm down. Updates every other Saturday until I run out of ideas.
- Jemma Salume
Comic: Owl Turd Comix
Owl Turd Comix was started in early 2013 with the mission of making YOU happy (so hopefully you didn’t just find it now). The goal is humor, and for the subject matter, anything is game. While comics are the main feature of the site, you might also see the occasional game review and/or bout of creative writing. Someday maybe even a VIDEO? Woah, right?
Comic: Part Time Shuffle
The oven is pre-heated, and the waters have come to a boil...Ninja, you know you got that hunger.
Being birthed with an internal, burning desire to tell stories with pictures and words -- coupled with the influences of Capcom games, chambara films, grindhouse cinema, and the insurmountable sillyness of Godfrey Ho films and the like...this art warrior only knows that his desire is to live life purely and with sharpness...much like his 0.5mm mechanical pencil.

Armed with Photoshop, his lethal wacom--he steadies himself on the path of a true bristol warrior. Knowing that a deadline can come at any moment--he stands wait to bring forth a new spice to medium of comics...and so the journey begins...
Comic: Peaches And Cream
Peaches and Cream is a story about the lives of Peaches, Cream, and their friends.
Comic: Pixie and Brutus
This series focus\'s on the unlikely friendship between Pixie, a tiny, innocent, joyful kitten, and Brutus, a huge scar-faced retired military dog.
Comic: Plume
Plume is a story set in the old west about a girl named Vesper Grey and her supernatural companion, Corrick. On their quest to recover her father\'s life work, they encounter new friends and new foes, and learn that the Wild West really does live up to its name.
Comic: Politically Incorrect Comics
Politically Incorrect Comics by Relampago
Comic: Polka and Japan
Life seen through the eyes of a Polish girl married to a Japanese guy. Polka and Japan is a lighthearted slice of life, comedy comic that follows adventures and everyday challenges of a multicultural couple. Updates on Mondays :)
Comic: Questionable Content
Questionable Content is an internet comic strip about romance and robots. It started on August 1, 2003. It updates five times a week, Monday through Friday.

Jeph Jacques writes and draws Questionable Content. It has been his full-time job since September 2004. Jeph is originally from Rockville, MD, USA and currently lives in Halifax, NS, Canada. Jeph also makes Alice Grove, which is a sci-fi comic strip. He is also currently doing He also makes music.
Comic: Rags Comic
A terrorist attack at the border of California unleashes a devastating zombie plague across the state. One of the survivors is troubled former U.S.M.C. veteran Regina Ragowski. Trapped in the small town of Paso Robles, she seeks the keys to her survival: food, shelter, and most importantly...PANTS!
Comic: RandoWis

Real name’s Indra Audi, yep that’s right Audi.
And no I’m not some car wannabe, that’s my real name (you judgmental ass).

Anyway, thanks for coming for watching my art and comics, I’m really grateful for that.
If you like them comics, then stick around, tell your friends and share the love!

New stuff comes whenever they’re done, and comics are usually the weekends. Its a personal schedule, don’t judge me.

I’m also on Tapastic:

If you’d like you can also follow my art on DeviantArt:

If it’s more convenient for you, you can follow me on Facebook:

Comic: Red Panels
Who are you?

I\'m a regular guy who is pretty good at drawing.

How can I contact you?

You can tweet at me, @Red_Panels, or you can drop me an email at

What is the purpose of this comic?

I created this comic to share perspectives I have found lacking elsewhere on the internet. It is an attempt to achieve sanity through satire from the lunacy of a mad world. I hope it is also a place of respite for you.

How frequently is it updated?

We are currently trying out a daily release schedule. Check back every day!

May I share this comic?

Yes, you may repost it anywhere without restriction.
Comic: Risk Hunter K
Welcome to the supercontinent of Kruinne, where humanity has staked out a corner for itself in a world of monstrous fauna!
This story is about Risk Hunters, men and women who risk their lives hunting the beasts of Kruinne to bring back valuable resources.

This comic is meant to be read left-to-right. Follow updates at the right pace over at !

Because I have a job as an illustrator and work on this on my free time, the update schedule is sporadic.
Comic: Robbie of Lockship
Comic: Rombies
The dead shall walk again. In sandals. A comic series by Tom Taylor & Skye Ogden, from an original concept by Skye Ogden.
Comic: Ronin Galaxy
In the distant future, humanity has ushered in a new feudal age. The solar system is ruled by massive corporations and their executive aristocracy. But amidst this new order is a universe filled with adventurers, outlaws, thrill seekers and treasure hunters looking to carve out their own legacy amongst the stars.

Cecil and Giancarlo are wandering the galaxy in search of their own destiny. Like the masterless ronin of feudal Japan, these mercenaries answer only to those with hard cold cash. A tidal wave of adventure awaits them as they take on all comers in their quest to get rich quick!

Ronin Galaxy is an online graphic novel written by Mark Dallosta and illustrated by Inanna Nakano. It began in December 2011, and currently updates every Monday and Friday.
Comic: Rowena The Barbarian
An erotic fantasy comic by Kumi Pumi

Updates once a month currently!
Comic: Running Gun
Comic: Sacred/Profane
Sacro/Profano webcomic in english! Thanks to Roberto Branca for translation.

Official page on Facebook >
The touching story of two brothers working at the Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo, Japan. One is afraid of girls...the other is kind of a sociopath.
Comic: Sanctuary School
Six young people, all looking for something different are all hoping to find it in Sanctuary School. A boarding school in the mountains of Japan, Sanctuary caters to young people with special powers and abilities that have nowhere to call home. But amazing and dangerous things happen in those mountains, and the kids of Sanctuary School will need all their power to keep their home safe from those who would destroy it.
Comic: Sarah and The Seed
Sarah and the Seed is a self-contained webcomic in five parts that explores the fears of pregnancy, especially when that pregnancy is unexpected. After years of trying failing to have children, aging Sarah finally becomes pregnant. Her shocked husband frets over the health of the baby, but Sarah has an easy labor and gives birth to a perfectly healthy baby seed. Her husband is horrified, but Sarah is perfectly content with her hard-shelled offspring, and goes about planting and tending to her child.
Comic: Savestate
Savestate is a comic written and drawn by Tim Weeks. It follows the misadventures of siblings Kade and Nicole.

For inquiries please email

What’s the update schedule?
Updates occur on new comic book day… that’d be Wednesday for those of you who don’t read traditional comics.
Comic: Scion of the Veil
Born into an unquestioned position of power as the prince of a wealthy trade family, Orexis lives without rules or regulation. However, this glamorous life is bittersweet for the prince, trapped within a loveless world of hidden faces and distant places. Painfully stoic as his people are, Orexis grows disconnected from them and equally as rebellious; seeking companionship from other races, taken as slaves under his tender and loving care. But the introduction of a new and deliciously defiant slave shatters the illusion of peace he\'s living, inevitably sparking the courage to nourish Orexis\' s rebellious nature into something that will change his world - and the world around him - forever.
Comic: Sea Legs
Comic: Seelpeel
I’m really excited and kinda nervous to share all my silly comics with you guys!! If you’ve been following my art through the years, some of the comics here may be familiar to you. I plan to re-draw them and make them look nice and presentable, as well as drawing completely new content just for this site. It’ll be a crazy, gross adventure! ⊙ω⊙

Other content will slowly be added to the website as I continue to develop it (like character bios, shop, etc). But for now it will just be the comics, because I really just wanted to get the site launched and not have anymore delays.

I’ll be updating this comic once a week every Tuesday. Again, I’m very excited to finally get this webcomic rolling and share it with everyone.
Comic: Serious Engineering
Serious Engineering is a story that asks the question: remember those awesome futuristic movies from the 80's and 90's like Blade Runner and Ghost in the Shell? What happened between now and then that made the world like that? SE follows a team of would-be mad scientists who play a huge role in bringing us to a world of gynoids and flying cars.

SE updates every Monday.
The current DA club is located here:
Comic: Sfeer Theory
Sfeer Theory is the biography of a semi-immortal wizard named Balzac whose duty is to uphold and guard an empire, by way of a magical version of Atlas. The Uitspan Era addresses the beginning of his livelihood, and the Uitspan Age addresses the possible end of it.
Comic: Shadoweyes
In the city of Dranac, in the year 200X, moody teenager Scout Montana is an aspiring vigilante, but her plans go awry and end up with her finding that she\'s able to transform into a blue, superhuman creature. With this new body she becomes the superhero Shadoweyes: forced out of society, yet still bound to it. Scout\'s new life is just getting started, and things won\'t be easy.

written & illustrated by Ross Campbell.
super special thanks to Michelle Silva.
editor: Jennifer de Guzman.
printed book form made possible by: Dan Vado & SLG Publishing.
Comic: Shaman Child
A graphic novel about a girl, a bunch of friends, an angry ocean god, and adventuuure!
Comic: Short Stories!
Lo, upon the fourth Monday of every month a new tale of wonder shall be borne unto the internets! This is Short Stories, a personal project of comic artist and illustrator Christine Larsen. In an attempt to do more work of her own devising, Christine has sworn an oath to the gods to complete a short comic once a month.

So read and enjoy, dear friends, and perhaps, one day, these tiny tales shall be collected into a mighty book that you may sit your grandchild on your knee and regale them with marvelous fantasies...
Comic: Silly Kingdom
Silly Kingdom is a humor fantasy series that follows the daily adventures of a power hungry Prince, a fun-loving Princess, a clever Jester, and a grumpy old Wizard, as they put themselves in more trouble than necessary.
Comic: SIN Manga
SIN takes place in a post apocalyptic future derived from a universe very similar to ours. The inevitable lack of resources to sustain humanity on Earth had split the world into two warring factions, the United Nations (U.N.) and the New Earth's Alliance. (N.E.A.).

After years of unnecessary conflict and technological advancement in weaponry, both sides eagerly stumbled into peace to avoid extinction. Now under the rule of the newly formed United Earth\'s Federation (U.E.F.) space has become the last hope for the human race.

However, with resources more scarce than ever the clock is ticking. How do we decide who\'s privileged to live and who\'s not? What happens to those of us left behind? A world now loosely controlled by a single totalitarian government, overrun by gangs, private military groups, freedom fighters, and death; Life seems to provide no more than a fruitless future.

Regardless, there are still those of us that fight, we fight each other, we fight the system, we fight for our loved ones... whatever the reason, we battle for answers.
Comic: Skarpworld
Welcome to Skarpworld! Follow Skarpne and Dumfer in their hot adventures! This is the pilot episode and totally free. If you want to see how the story continues,you can support the project in PATREON
Comic: Slice of 408
A Slice of 408 is my way of transitioning my creator-owned characters Alex, Charlie and Joey from pin-up to comic book. I still got a long way to go, but making strips I felt is a nice start.

Hopefully, I intend to make the leap from this to a full blown graphic novel exploring more elaborate story lines and adventures from the girls of 408. In order for me to do so, I have set up a Patreon page where those like you who enjoy the adventures of these three young women can help keep this site going.

I do hope you can spare the price of a cup of coffee each month to help me keep this site going.

Thank you for all the support.

Comic: Space Squint
Space Quint came about from a doodle I did years ago of my cat Quint in a space suit. Everyone really seemed to like it, so I started writing a series of stories about him, which turned into a larger story arc. Then I began doing rough thumbnails for comic pages, and here we are. My other cat, Polly, co-stars as his trusty, onboard mechanic.

Space Quint, however, is nothing like my real cat, Quint. My kitty’s a big push over.

After 5/13/10 the comic will update every Tuesday!
~Jessica Hickman
Comic: Space Wolves: Wolf and Sister
The Space Wolves comic \"Wolf and Sister\" is here!
Comic: Stanley Colors
Pablo Stanley was born in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico, on June 18 1981. He studied elementary and middle school in a catholic school, which led him to become an atheist. Later, he studied High School in the Baja California Bachelor School. He graduated as a Designer from the Xochicalco University in 2004 .

He started working in publicity companies in 1999. He got a job as Creative Director for an international company in San Diego, California. He created his own clothing brand “Stanley+Colors” and opened an exclusive store of his own designs in Mexicali.

He has been in different bands. He formed a punk rock band named Dead Stanleys, which broke up in 2006. The electro-pop group Magnolia Ave. Toured in Mexico and Spain as ‘Da Perv” and now DJs under the name Pablo Stanley and produces under the name Hustlehoff.

He began writing comics in January 1st 2012. From there he hasn’t stopped. let’s hope he doesn’t.
Comic: StarFall
StarFall is a sci-fi webcomic about a young woman named Rio who travels to another planet to try and start a peaceful life for herself. Not everything turns out how she expected it to when she starts working for Cyahnna, an alien with a surprising past.

This comic will be a mix of sci-fi, comedy, action, drama, and a little romance. Oh, and lots of tea.
Comic: Stonetoss
It is a comic about thoughts that you are not allowed to think.
Comic: Stray Beastz
"Stray Beastz" is a webcomic created by H. Celal Koc a.k.a CELOR
Comic: Sulfur and Salt
Two countries stand divided by a sea haunted by gruesome monsters and eerie shipwrecks. One country, fashioned from magic. The other, built with metal and machines.

The people of Eliasyne possess an ancient magic known as the Will. The Will grants them the ability to shape their surroundings as they please. In Skarion there is no such magic; innovation and ingenuity are the qualities that allowed Skarion to flourish.

When a group of students from Eliasyne discover a hidden passage to Skarion, the two worlds collide. The students form an odd but intrepid alliance with an ambitious group of young Skarionites. Together they discover and study in secret an ancient art known as alchemy - a combination of magic and science.

Their discovery leads to the awakening of old, dangerous forces and the group finds themselves knee-deep in trouble. It’s not just their lives that are threatened, but their countries as well.

Sulfur and Salt is a story about alchemy, friendship, romance, mystery and the occasional demi-god, aimed to a young adult readership.
Comic: Super Zeroes
Superzeroes is a romantic-superpowers-adventure-comedy written and drawn by William Terrell of Lubbock, Texas. The comic is about four lovable high school losers that are drawn together as they discover they each possess strange powers that allow them to take slacking to SUPER ZERO proportions.
Comic: Take Off!
You are reading Take Off! A PG 13 modern fantasy graphic novel, written and drawn by meaghan carter (me!)

Take Off! features two main characters, Cassidy and Grey the dragon. Along the way we’ll meet different creatures (like Ilsa the Crow) and riders (like Klouse).

For one, they’re not on earth! They’re in a world called the Inbetween. It was built and is ruled by the four Heads. One who we’re already pretty familiar with, is Kino. They entertain themselves by racing different creatures and riders from different dimensions.

My name is Meaghan! I’m a cartoonist by day, and dishwasher by night. I am addicted to sugar and do not ask me about Beast Wars because I will never stop.
Comic: Tales From The Con
This is the very first Tales From The Con! TFTC is an original webcomic by Brad Guigar (Evil, Inc) and Chris Giarrusso (G-Man) created exclusively for the Emerald City Comicon! You can find a brand-new TFTC here every Thursday!
Comic: Tales from Wheeldust
Tales from the great capital city named Wheeldust set in a medieval fantasy world. We will follow the lives of some of its citizens and people living in it's outskirts. So far, we get to know Karoleena a young maid working at a bathhouse, Bree a bounty hunter and Myrell a lonely bartender.
I\'ve been working on this project for a while, always changing it and experimenting on it and I don't think that is going to change :D. I look forward to improve through this comic a lot.
Comic: Tales of the Exorcist Indigo
In the future\'s era of 1862 Indigo wanders to defend the innocent from the horde of demons roaming the vast wastelands.
Comic: Tamberlane
Comic: TeaHouse
A Mature rated Yaoi comic about a little whore house and its residents and clientele.

It\'s pretty damn gay. :D
Comic: Ten Earth Shattering Blows
Comic: Terminal Lance
Disclaimer: Terminal Lance is in no way sponsored nor endorsed by the United States Marine Corps or any other branch of the US Armed Services. All opinions and properties belong solely to the creator and no one else.

The Comic

Terminal Lance is a comic created by myself, Lance Corporal Maximilian Uriarte, USMC. The idea behind Terminal Lance is to poke fun at the Marine Corps with an emphasis on the grunt Lance Corporal’s point of view. As an 0351, this is a point of view I’m very familiar with.

While Terminal Lance has featured a few unnamed recurring characters, the two main protagonists of the series are Abe and Garcia.

Abe and Garcia

Abe is dark haired and has been the central character since the first strip. Garcia made his first appearance in Terminal Lance #93 “POG’s Impressing the Grunts”. Abe and Garcia met shortly after entering the fleet. Abe is an 0351 Assaultman, and has been a Lance Corporal for what seems like as long as he can remember. While Garcia is actually an 0331 Machinegunner, he was moved to the Assault section when he arrived in the fleet due to ‘Guns’ being overfilled.

Abe’s actual name is Lance Corporal Abraham Belatzeko, but when he arrived in the fleet, his name was found too hard to pronounce by his seniors. When asked his first name, he replied, “Abe”, and his seniors gave him the nickname of his own name. He is largely know throughout the company as simply “Abe”–people as high up as the Company First Sergeant have given up on using his last name.

Lance Corporal Garcia’s last name is Garcia. He is known throughout the company as Garcia.

Abe is notably more disgruntled than Garcia. Garcia is the kind of guy that goes along with whatever is in front of him. He sees the bullshit and it occasionally pisses him off, but he regards it as a reality of the Marine Corps. Garcia comes from a very poor background, and to him the Marine Corps was a way out of poverty. Abe is primarily from a lower-middle class background on the west coast, the Marine Corps may or may not have been the best choice for him, but with a high GT score and other talents to claim, he counts the days til his EAS to move on to something greater. Abe realizes he’s probably going to be a Terminal Lance, and is proud.

The Creator

Terminal Lance Corporal Max 2010

My name is Max, I was an 0351 Assaultman stationed in Hawaii. I’ve been to Iraq twice, first as a turret gunner of an MRAP in 2007-2008 in the Zaidon region. My second deployment in 2009, my artistic talents brought me to the world of Combat Art and Combat Photography. I worked with our ComCam shop for the entire deployment and got to travel all over Iraq shooting photos and sketching Marines at work. Aside from that, in my 4 years in the Corps I’ve been a SMAW Gunner, Team Leader, Squad Leader, .50Cal Gunner, Combat Photographer, and a Combat Artist.

I have since moved on, I EAS’d in May of 2010 and am currently residing in the San Francisco Bay Area. I recently received my Bachelor of Fine Arts in Animation at the California College of the Arts in Oakland and am seeking to make a career out of animating and storyboarding.

The Namesake

The term “Terminal Lance” comes from a phenomena common to the Marine Corps infantry: the inability to pick up Corporal, sometimes due to a number of things–sometimes not. In my case, as an 0351, my MOS’ cutting score is beyond ridiculous when it’s not closed. In the mid-to-upper 1700′s, someone like me who has done a number of noteworthy jobs and never been in any kind of NJP (Non-Judicial Punishment) situations, it’s just a matter of cutting score.

For those of you who don’t know what a cutting score is, it’s a broken system of numbers that the Marine Corps uses to promote people. It’s a value based on your physical performance, rifle score and other factors like time in service. Outside of the infantry, people are usually promoted around 1500. The score to promotion is determined by the number of active corporals in relation to the MOS. i.e.: you can only have so many corporals per MOS.

The Project

This project has been a long time in the making. I thought of the concept a couple of years ago but hadn’t had a chance to sit down and do it until now.

I hope the Marines reading this appreciate the humor and where I’m coming from. If you’re not a Marine and you’re still reading this, good job! Most of the terminology in this comic is derived from the Marine Corps, so good luck deciphering it.

Comic updates are scheduled for Tuesdays and Fridays.
Comic: The Adventures of Superhero Girl
Superhero Girl is a comic strip by Faith Erin Hicks, drawn for a local free weekly (The Coast). It\'s about the trials and tribulations of a girl superhero. Superhero Girl will be updated Tuesdays and Fridays until I get caught up with the current comics. The originals of all of these comics are for sale for the low price of $40. Email if you\'d like to buy one.
Comic: The Bouletcorp
Boulet, a french cartoonist living in Paris, has had about 20 books published, most of them for young readers. He also worked on two books of the “Dungeon” series with Lewis Trondheim and Joann Sfar (available in English, ask at your local comic shop). The blog is an attempt to translate his French blog ” “ started in 2004 at more than 1600 drawn entries. He's trying to catch up, but it’s a huge undertaking!
Comic: The Dawngate Chronicles
Written by: Chris L\'Etoile
Illustrated by: Nicholas Kole
Colors by: John Loren
Created by: Hunter Howe

The Dawngate Chronicles tell of many peoples; proud and learned mountain queens in the brooding north, fey philosopher-kings in the deserts of the dreaming south, pragmatic and grasping merchant princes of the enlightened west, and the wise and revered elders that wander the vast and savage east.

From time immemorial, mortals have benefited from the intercession of Shapers. A priestly class of architects and artisans, Shapers communed with the inscrutable Spirits, appealing to them for the betterment of others. For only the eternal Spirits could manipulate Vitalities, the energies and passions that drive mortal existence. Hope, Progress, and Growth are positive Vitalities; Rage, Sloth, and Decay are negative ones.

Eidolus, a man of the west, is thought to be the most talented Shaper since the Age of Majesty.

The Dawngate Chronicles opened in April 2014, and convey the unfolding lore of the computer game Dawngate.

Dawngate and The Dawngate Chronicles are productions of Waystone Games.
Comic: The Fox Sister
The Fox Sister is a supernatural web comic by Christina Strain and Jayd Aït-Kaci. We update weekly on Thursdays, please be sure to check it out!
Comic: The Gamercat
He\'s a cat. He plays video games.
Comic: The Gifted
Copyright 2007 Michael Crichlow\'s \'The Gifted\'. All Rights Reserved
Comic: The Immortal Nadia Greene
Nadia Greene, armed with her baseball bat and dominant will, beats up death and becomes a little bit immortal. Sort of.
Comic: The Ism
The Ism is Web-Comic dealing with very charged subjects, including but not limited to, liberalism, feminism, economics, theism, nihilism (get it?!) and so on and so forth.

One of our goals is to shove people out of their comfort zone, force them to think, self-reflect, criticize, and get depressed.

It is natural to disagree with us and totally expected to get offended while browsing through our site.

You’re welcome and greatly encouraged to share your political, philosophical, skeptical and critical thoughts via the comments section, e-mail, our Facebook page or any other way you see fit.

Find me on reddit at
Comic: The Martian Adventures
English language translation of Bruno Bellamy\'s Challenge of the Month comic \"The Martian Adventures\".
Comic: The People That Melt in The Rain
I\'m afraid of the rain. Everything from a light drizzle to a thunderstorm fills me with dread. But it\'s not just me. It\'s the same for everyone in the town of Deluge. A summer storm holds us as prisoners in our homes. Here in Deluge, it\'s not just the wicked witch of the west that fears melting into a puddle of ooze. Everyone melts in the rain. The curse upon this town has become my mission in life. I can make our town safer. I can change the rain. I have taken it upon myself to save us, the people that melt in the rain.
Comic: The Red Muscle
A comedy/action/romance comic about two nerds who bring their dreams of being a cartoon superhero to life. created by Rudy Mora.
Comic: The Thief of Tales
Comic: The Veleno Sisters
Just started, check it out. Mature audiences.
Comic: The World of Galleon
Galleon is an asteroid world, split apart from a destroyed planet. She spans roughly the surface area of the Eurasian continent, her gravity and atmosphere provided by three great trees, her water provided by the mysterious Figurehead, circled by a tiny sun.

On this world, magic is rife, and warriors imbued with symbiotic gemstones battle terrifying monsters. Pirate kingdoms vie for dominance with an Empire which has reigned since time began.

For specific information, check out the World Map and Races sections!
Comic: They Can Talk
This is a comic about animals.
Comic: This Romantic World
Welcome! I'm Reinbach and I make smutty games and comics! I currently run a weekly adult fantasy comic called This Romantic World. And since this is as good a place for a disclaimer as any, all characters presented are aged eighteen and older.
Comic: Toonhole
We draw shit.
Comic: True Hollywood Adventures
New comic strip by Howard M. Shum every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Comic: Tubey Toons
Hi I’m Tubey, the artist for the comic. I spend my days drawing, watching horror movies and trying food samples at Costco. I do the comics on Photoshop with a Wacom Bamboo tablet. Feel free to contact me on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter or Instagram and I’ll get back to you. You can also email me at
Comic: Tusk
A High Fantasy tale exploring the relationship between xenophobia and fascism. Follow the slightly tongue-in-cheek adventures of Khthonis the Orc. Laughably over the top action! Preposterous fashion tips! Ludicrous plot twists! And maybe more! Rated PG-13
Comic: Umbagog
Comic: Vexed Reflections
just starting...
Comic: Water Tribe
This story happens in an Alternate Universe (AU) of Avatar, where Admiral Zhao didn\'t die. The Ocean Spirit brought him back, but Zhao\'s mind has been wiped clean.
Now living amongst the Water Tribe, he\'s managed to find a place in his adoptive nation.
But his old personality is still there, and pretty soon, things change...

Read on!
It may start a bit slow, but I swear it does pick up
Comic: Welflare
Nelle (the main character) was in my last comic which was called, "Resident Dysentery." It started in 2001 and ran to late 2008. You should be happy to hear that even now, I still don't think I've drawn her the same way more than twice in a row.

Well that\'s that. I hope you readers like my comic!
Comic: Where The Heart Is
AND IT’S UP! The first few pages of Where The Heart Is are up! This took a lot of work but it’s finally up and running and on time. The comic will update weekly every Saturday at 6:00 pm Central Time with a new sequence (about 2-3 pages most of the time). I hope you enjoy what you read/see, thank you so much for your support!
Comic: Wilde Life
From the creator of the awesome Zap! comic, which has now concluded.

Wilde Life is a supernatural adventure/horror series set in a small town in rural Oklahoma. It launched on September 29th, 2014.

Member of Hiveworks
Comic: Wonder Momo
Wonder Momo was released in arcades in Japan in 1987. Ports include the PC-Engine (known as the Turbografx-16 outside Japan) and the Wii Shop Channel's Virtual Console, both of which are also Japan-only exclusives. A beat 'em up in the great tradition of 80s NAMCO titles, Wonder Momo now lives on as a ShiftyLook webcomic! Co-written by tokusatsu expert and super otaku Erik Ko and comic book veteran Jim Zub, the comic features the art of fighting games comic legend Omar Dogan. Follow the new adventures of Wonder Momo with new comics every Wednesday and Friday at 1:00AM Pacific only on ShiftyLook!
Comic: Yenny
Come to Villa Los Kubos beach, where 22-year-old would-be model Yenny, her iguana Zacha, and the tiny sea turtle Buke bask in the Puerto Rican sun and inspire mischief and confusion on a daily basis.
Comic: [un]Divine
[un]Divine will update starting June 13-17, with 5 pages each day. Afterwards, the update schedule is twice a week, Wednesdays and Saturdays.

The Webcomics List is operated and owned by Evoluted New Media
Web Design Sheffield.

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