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User Profile For Venorik  
Comments Posted: 3
Favourites: 1
Profile Images Posted: 0
Comic Synopses Posted: 0
Below is a list of comments made by Venorik, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Bittersweet Candy Bowl 5/5
My second favorite comic of all time, and I must say that\'s an achievement due to the sheer amount of comics I read. It is also the only comic I read that actually made me a little sad it was the start of the weekend, as it only updates on weekdays. Characters, while some start stereotypical, always branch off into different then when they started, plot is good, while sometimes predictable. There is no such thing as a Mary Sue, as every character has their quirks. Hell, sometimes you just cant decide if you love or hate some characters (Mike, the main male character, for me)

All in all, I love the story, characters and the flow of it all. 5/5
Comic: Slightly Damned 5/5
this is NOT a comic you want to read.... when your drunk. (trust me) but when sober this is probly in the top 10 furry comics
Comic: TwoKinds 5/5
loved the art, story, characters and.... everything else, and as SpiritRadio said, Better Days is a dam good comic too (was my favorite until this one came up, sorry Jay)

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