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User Profile For iforgot  
Comments Posted: 23
Favourites: 1
Profile Images Posted: 5
Comic Synopses Posted: 17
Below is a list of comments made by iforgot, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Prickly City 5/5
I like this comic strip. It's pretty funny and well written sometimes.

If you're conservative, check it out
Comic: Bob The Squirrel 5/5
Good strip. Very nice artwork.

Can't believe it's not in papers.
Comic: Barkeater Lake 5/5
Very funny webcomic. This should be syndicated.
Comic: Pokey the Penguin 1/5
...Bad art......bad writing.....scribbling over words...erk...

Worst Webcomic Evar!
Comic: Tennessee Cats  
FYI, Tennessee Cats ended. The strip, however, was spun off, as "Tex and Jenny"
Comic: Mutts 5/5
Very well drawn and gives important message about animals. Highly recommended to animal lovers.

I just love Mooch's expressions in these strips.
Comic: Foxtrot 5/5
Dude, this comics rocks.

And you say you like UNFIT!? Are you high on LCD?
Comic: Homestar Runner 5/5
It's my favorite website. Strong Bad rocks.

This is NOT a webcomic, but a webcartoon. Oh well, it's still comical.
Comic: B.C. 1/5
Is this strip even FUNNY anymore!?
Comic: Arthur, King of Time and Space 4/5
The strip is good. Too bad it has the "MS Paint" effect. But pretty funny, nontheless.
Comic: Midnorth Flour Co 2/5
It's very badly drawn.

But on the other hand, some strips are funny here and there, but most of the time, it needs work.

Don't give up, though.
Comic: White Ninja 3/5
It's badly drawn, but there's something about its weird humor that makes it worth reading anyhow.
Comic: Phil Like Tacos 5/5
Not bad for a stick figure comic. The strip has interesting storylines and the characters have weird personality around them. I recommend checking this strip out.
Comic: CrebHEADS! 4/5
Well drawn and interesting. Worth checking out.
Comic: Philosophy Bites 4/5
Artwork could be better, but pretty funny and well written, nontheless. So check it out anyway. Besides, I'm pretty sure there are comics with worser art.
Comic: How Not to Run A Comic 5/5
Awesome website. And FYI, the submissions ARE supposed to be bad. I recommend it, and if you have time, submit some crappy comics to this site.
Comic: Station V3 5/5
I like this strip. Very clever. Check it out, if you haven't
Comic: Pearls Before Swine 5/5
Hands down, one of the best comics out there. Recommended!
Comic: Z7 3/5
Not too shabby, although I like "Station V3" better.
Comic: Poorly Drawn Comics (Spare Change) 4/5
Not too shabby. Artwork was rough when the strip began, but has improved since then.

It would be neat seeing this strip in newspapers.
Comic: Spot the Frog 5/5
Great newspaper comic. Really like the characters. Worth checking out.
Comic: 4/5
Good strip. Please continue
Comic: Breakpoint City 5/5
One of the best webcomics around. Highly recommended

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