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User Profile For iforgot  
Comments Posted: 23
Favourites: 1
Profile Images Posted: 5
Comic Synopses Posted: 17
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by iforgot that are currently in use.

Comic: A Witch Named Koko
Koko, a young witch, and her kid brother Jodo tries to make it on their own. Together with another witch Marl, they encounter bizarre, comical adventures.
Comic: Bo Nanas
About a monkey in a human world.
Comic: Boiling Point, The
A political cartoon by self-described angry cartoonist Mikhaela B. Reid.
Comic: Chuck Asay
Editorial cartoons from the conservative point of view
Comic: Common Sense
Comic: Dog eat Doug
A love/hate relationship between a dog and a newborn baby.
Comic: Harry Sorehead
Life of Harry and his weird community.
Comic: IDGet
A comic so weird, no one knows how to describe it.
Comic: Idiot Box
A political comic strip by Matt Bors. Part of the "Cartoonists with Attitude" organization.
Comic: Koko the Blue
Misadventures of a witch and her brother at a potion company.
Comic: Lauren Ipsum
Lauren is a librarian who takes her job way too seriously. And she writes stories on the side. She's a huge nerd, in another words. Oh, and she's a rabbit.
Comic: Mutts
A strip about a POV from normal house pets, and their world around them.
Comic: Pixelated
Can a stereotypical Anime girl and American cartoon characters live together? Answer: no.
Comic: Sunshine Club, The
From the creator of "Eek and Meek", this is about the world through a group of senior citizens.
Comic: Tex and Jenny
Daily webcomic that ran early to mid 2005. Was a spinoff of Tennessee Cats.

I, iforgot, am the creator of this strip and am trying to remove much leftover of the strip on the web as possible.
Comic: The Fuzzy Princess
Katrina, a feline princess from a faraway land populated by animals, gets stranded on a human world, together with a neurotic bat named Chiro and a zen bear named Kuma. With a help from a boy named Jackson, can the three survive humanity?
Comic: Working it Out
A look inside a company run by a tyrant.

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