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User Profile For ChrusherComix  
Comments Posted: 43
Favourites: 2
Profile Images Posted: 2
Comic Synopses Posted: 2
Below is a list of comments made by ChrusherComix, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
The 2007 Graphic Novel, End Cycle, begins.
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
Some loose sends being tied before the dramatic graphic novel begins.
Comic: Towner Comics 5/5
Dear casual reader,
Just curious... why don't you like Towner? Jealousy or is your webcomic actually better? Let me know!
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
LUNATICIAL SAGA IS BEING REPRINTED (while I work on a paying animation project). read it. its the funniest in the world. Other comics are gay.
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
New is a cast page and also a previously hidden Christmas comic. Enjoy, stampage!
Comic: Towner Comics 5/5
New old comics uploaded! Read! it is great and free from magic copyright-infringing furries in a fantasy land that fight with swords and cast spells in dungeons after playing video games while participating in an alternate lifestyle and sucking blood amongst other things!
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
I just uploaded 147 comics this past weekend. You know what that means? I am ranked number one. ONE! And ain't NOBODY gonna' take that from me. Not those paper champions ranked above me. Fool.
Comic: Towner Comics 5/5
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
Profile and main page updated. 947 comic book pages currently uploaded. Probbably 80-100 of those fully colored. Why don't you read some? Unless you're an idiot. Well, in that case, if you are an idiot, then you're excused, dear sir-ma'am. :)
Comic: Towner Comics 5/5
Towner's site will see updates and I'm contemplating doing a Towner book soon. Time and workload will tell. TTYL!
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
My profile is recently updated. Strange that this site still does not recieve my updates. Hmmm....
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
There is over 900 comics on this site, along with around 100-200 fully-colored. And nobody looks at more than one. What are you jealous or something? I just don't get it. Thank you kind people. Then you wonder why I hate the world. :-P
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
Duh, you suck, dude.
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
Now witness the full power of this fully ARMED and OPERATIONAL webcomic. Fire at will, commander!
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
New comics uploaded. However, for some reason, this site is again not picking it up.
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
"You gotta' learn to go down, son. LICK 'EM!"
-Today's comic
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
Lunaticials are next!
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
What does; Status: "Pattern Not Matching (?)" mean?
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
"YES! THE BUST!" Cow Gagnon
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
I put up some sample comics to get you webcomiclisters to actually look at my site. Of the comic lister sites that i link to, my comic is not only loswest ranked on this one, but nobody ever seems to come from here to boot. Enjoy!
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
Update! Newest issue co-written/co-illustrated by RaYzor!
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
Update. Doesn't anybody ever come from this site to check my comic? Sheesh... get off the clonecomic video game, roomies, manga, D&D/LotR crap and get on a true original comic why don't ya'?
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
Up + date = Update! Yipeeee!!!!!!!
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
I'm the best! I WON! I WON!!!!
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
Updates again. Please don't mind the adult content dear sirs & ma'ams. Dammit!
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
The Welphys are currently uploading. May God have mercy on our eyes. Or for atheists, may mud have mercy on our eyes. :P
Comic: Towner Comics 5/5
Tons of updates! BTW, how the heck are comics rated on this site?! There aren't nearly 3000 webcomics better than mine in the world, let alone nearly 3000 on this site. Sorry if I sound arrogant, but c'mon... the ratings system on this thing is a mess and it's insulting to boot! I bet probably 2/3rds of those comics don't even update and probably are done (and abandoned) by kids years ago!
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
Tons of updates! BTW, how the heck are comics rated on this site?! There aren't nearly 3000 webcomics better than mine in the world, let alone nearly 3000 on this site. Sorry if I sound arrogant, but c'mon... the ratings system on this thing is a mess and it's insulting to boot! I bet probably 2/3rds of those comics don't even update and are done (and abandoned) by kids years ago!
Comic: Towner Comics 5/5
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
NEW main page which makes navigating the site much easier. Now all of the covers are on the main page for easy shortcuts! (BTW... why doesn't this site say when I update?! C'mon!)
Comic: Towner Comics 5/5
Towner update today (color version & original B&W version in the archive)!
Comic: Towner Comics 5/5
Towner has had two colored comic updates in the last week, and several B&W archival updates. Thanks for viewing!
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
Several updates, including all of the 1988 archive, most of the 1989, all of the 1990, and most of the 1991 archives. Next will be the 1992-1996 archives.
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
Thanks for reading! All new website design & Updates occuring!
Comic: Towner Comics 5/5
Thank you. Updates occuring!
Comic: Towner Comics 5/5
Thank you for your vote, sir.
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
Thank you for your vote, sir.
Comic: MegaTokyo 2/5
I lie the art, but not my cup of tea. There's a lot of good webcomics out there.
Comic: Ctrl+Alt+Delete 2/5
Nice design, clean art. But #1? I dunno, there's a lot of comics out there in the world....
Comic: Chrusher Comics | An ongoing Graphic Novel and interrelated 1,000 page comic book archive! 5/5
Earlier comics are funny, but the later comics are funny AND have great artwork!
Comic: Towner Comics 5/5
Great comic, especially the colored ones!

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