Comic: Uncle Doug |
I like the art a lot, and the story seems like it's pretty interesting as well. Very funny and worth taking the time to look at. |
Comic: The Bible - Literally |
Pretty good. The concept is unique and the artwork is really clean and nice. |
Comic: guilty gear assassins |
It seems like comic actually quite improves visually and quite a bit later on and the below mentioned issues seem to have been take into account. I apologize for not looking at the whole comic before commenting. |
Comic: guilty gear assassins |
The art is awesome, but the bold, blocky-styled font and dialogue boxes as well as various spelling and grammatical errors are a bit distracting from what is otherwise a very good looking comic and layout. |
Comic: Good Ship Chronicles |
The art is really classic and the characters are very likeable. All around a fun read. |
Comic: Technosaurs: Unearthed |
The artwork is simply phenomenal and the plot is very easy to step into and enjoy. Awesome comic so far. |