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User Profile For redneck  
Comments Posted: 4
Favourites: 42
Profile Images Posted: 5
Comic Synopses Posted: 4
Below is a list of comments made by redneck, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Ninja and Pirate 1/5
It might help if the URL led to any, you know, COMICS.
Comic: Peter is the Wolf - clean version 5/5
Peter is the Wolf has moved to .
Comic: Peter is the Wolf 5/5
I don't know why the edit hasn't gone through yet, but the comic's moved to .
Comic: Freefall 4/5
Silly situations, interesting characters, simple, clean yet expressive artwork... that's Freefall. Stories are paced slowly, but it's hard to advance very fast with three three-panel strips per week...

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