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User Profile
User Profile For redneck  
Comments Posted: 4
Favourites: 42
Profile Images Posted: 5
Comic Synopses Posted: 4
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by redneck that are currently in use.

Comic: Magnificent Milkmaid, The
18-year-old high school senior Beth Dorman fell afoul of the town doctor / mad scientist Dr. Papillandrou... now, whenever she drinks milk, she transforms into the sexual superhero, the milky magical girl with mammoth mammaries, THE MAGNIFICENT MILKMAID!
Comic: Peter is the Wolf
Peter Stubbe is a less-than-average werewolf... and the only male of his age group in his town's pack. He has to deal with corporate capture squads, stronger werewolf women, and the consequences of a werewolf having unprotected sex with a normal human...
Comic: Shadowchasers
Things lurk in shadows... especially the shadows of the human mind. Hope Winterbourne battles the monsters of myth and legend... when she can find time away from dealing with her friends' problems. Created by James Dawsey!
Comic: Stellar
Alex Wheeler has the power... not always controllable, not always what she expects... when evil rears its head, she transforms into the bold bronze amazon STELLAR!

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