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User Profile For caracal-eyes  
Comments Posted: 7
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Below is a list of comments made by caracal-eyes, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Catalyst 5/5
Honestly, I just barely started reading this (page 25), so I guess that\'s why I have no idea of what\'s going on. Not that\'s it\'s a confusing read, clear enough so far, it\'s just that I\'m not very far in yet...

Anyhow. Really good artwork. The characters look quite interesting as well. I get the feeling that this might be one of those suspensful ones, like, where it switches from character to character at some really tense moments...could be wrong though. Like I said, not very far yet.

Anyhow, I like the style of the art as well. Sort of like it\'s been painted, but not difficult to make out or anything, and not sloppy either. \'S nice and different-looking.

Comic: Sophia: Awakening 4/5 looks amazingly good, I\'ll say.

Unfortunately, I didn\'t get far, and don\'t think I\'ll read on--I dunno, it\'s just not my thing, it looks like. Too much of the \"traditional American comic book\" look to it or something? Dunno. Maybe it\'s just that I like stories that are a little more character-centric from the start...whereas here it seems rather 3rd-person.

Maybe I didn\'t give it enough of a chance...the fact that I was reading it at the same time as another comic, clicking back and forth as the pages loaded and stuff...I may revisit.

Anyway. It looks like it\'s very well-done and all. Just not feeling like reading it right now.

Comic: Zombie Waffe 5/5
Good stuff. Like the art. Read up to the start of 3rd chapter in like 10 minutes, tops (would\'ve gone on, but that\'s all there is so far).

Art is well done. As is the coloring. And, seriously, there\'s zombies. So that is pretty cool. Also, perhaps not as \'tarded as most zombie stories are? Or am I just judging by the stupid movies on the Sci-Fi channel? Yeah, usually almost anything is better than those movies, so... not a good indication of general quallity, I think.

Anyhow. Looks good. Hope it updates soon.

Comic: Resonance  
..though not anything you wouldn\'t find out in the first 20 pages or so, but still..

Wait a it a coincidence that the main character in this story has the same name...\'Ren\' as the main character in the manga called \"Aoi no Exorcist\" (translated, I believe it\'s \"The Blue Exorcist\")?? Who also happens to be a demon (well, technically, the \"son of Satan\" but hey, that\'s a demon, right?). Just noticed this, and was like, hey, that\'s sorta weird...

Comic: Resonance 5/5
Only on page 19...but here is where it picks up! From what I\'ve seen so far, very good! The story looks interesting, though so far not something I\'ve totally never seen before or anything...

However, looks quite interesting. Very good, professional artwork, with a manga style to it. Eh, that\'s how it is with most of the comics I read now, I guess...addicted to manga. But anyway. I would reccommend this comic, from what I\'ve seen so far.


Comic: Anhedonia Blue 5/5
Good art--certainly better than a lot of webcomics I\'ve seen. Actually, better\'n I could do...T_T by a lot prolly...okay, mini-pity party is over. Back to actual comment: right away, pretty much, the comic starts to get pretty interesting. Not very far in...lemme check...9th page now, and it\'s starting to pick up more. I\'d reccommend, from what I\'ve read so far. XD

Comic: Amya 5/5
Very good! I like the characters. It starts out pretty fast right away, but it\'s not all confusing or hard to follow as other faster-moving comics can be. I like the manga=style art; it has a \"professional\" look to it--y\'know, like you\'d see in a printed volume of manga... Anyhow. It\'s good. Check it out.


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