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User Profile For Zorque |
Favourite Comics |
The follow comics are contained within Zorque's favourites list.
Now showing entries 1 to 10 of 303
5ideways |
Everything went wrong.
To be more specific, the laws of physics stopped working, the building all went underground, time is really relative, and a good portion of the people mutated into hideous monsters. Oh, and your girlfriend was having an affair. You know your life sucks when this is beginning to feel old hat.
New comic from Sandra Fuhr! It's got a couple of interesting tweaks, like soun...
9th Elsewhere |
A young girl and her muse travel through her dreamscape. They have 9 chances to solve her mystery and return home.
A Dollar Late and a Day Short |
it\'s a cool comic about something
A Girl and Her Fed |
A girl finds herself on the wrong side of the U.S. PATRIOT Act. Now with more angry Ben Franklin!
A Modest Destiny |
Very funny comic that has alot of jokes about RPG-games
Abian |
A priest asked God for the gift of seeing Sin. Granted his wish, he prowled the darkest paths, hunting Demons with his gun (a semi with "God Loves You - Pray For Salvation" chiseled on). But now, innocent blood is on his hands, and his own Sins are always in front of him.
How is it possible for a Demon to be innocent? Who is the young prostitute he met during his expeditions? To find answers, h...
Absolute Zero |
[Tuesday/Friday] Almost twenty years ago, an experiment involving genetically altered psychic children was scrapped by the government, all loose ends supposedly tied. The project, titled #Absolute Zero, was to remain unfinished, incomplete. Now, twenty years later, the #Absolute Zero Project has been activated once again leaving our main characters, Morgan and Cobi, two mercs caught in the middle....
Abstract Gender |
The comic has ended. The author is currently redoing the story as an online novel, readable here:
Adventurers |
A comic that makes fun of RPG games (Final Fantasy Style) but like RPG World, has a plot of its own. The comic starts with weak artwork and no real plot, but as time passes the artwork becomes good and a plot develops. However the humor was good all throughout. Over 1000 strips! Also, check out the author Mark Shallow's other more recently work, Antiheroforhire. He updates each one three time...
Aikida |
Aikida is back, but can't set herself on fire anymore. I'll leave it to readers to actually think of a better description.