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User Profile For Zorque  
Comments Posted: 6
Favourites: 303
Profile Images Posted: 2
Comic Synopses Posted: 7
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by Zorque that are currently in use.

Comic: Abian
A priest asked God for the gift of seeing Sin. Granted his wish, he prowled the darkest paths, hunting Demons with his gun (a semi with "God Loves You - Pray For Salvation" chiseled on). But now, innocent blood is on his hands, and his own Sins are always in front of him.

How is it possible for a Demon to be innocent? Who is the young prostitute he met during his expeditions? To find answers, he just needs to go to the address she gave him. He will find the truth, and much more...
Comic: Head Trip
A comic of epic proportions. It's so mind-bogglingly smooth, you won't know what hit you.
Comic: Jack of All Trades
I'm not quite sure of the entire plot myself, as the comic still seems in the introductory stages as of now, but here goes:

Two common place mercenary-esque hero's and one princess seem to have to save the world or something...

As I hear, it doesn't update enough or something, but it has decent art, and fairly good writing.
Comic: Something Positive - 1937
Tells the tale of the Davan MacIntires namesake.

A spin-off of the popular comic Something Positive.
Comic: The Zombie Hunters
Years after a crippling outbreak that turned the population into undead, the last known survivors take up residence in a small-dilapidated arcology called the Argus Research Campus. A small goverment group, the Red Halos, was formed in order to deal with the near annihilation of the military. They created an organization called 'The Zombie Hunters' to assist with the crumbling military, lift public morale, and help protect the last remnants of the human race.
Comic: Way Too Late
The artchild of Mr. Walker, each joke is lovingly crafted from the finest butters that Los Angeles has to offer, and is kept refrigerated for several hours after carving. As such, the jokes will stay fresh for, oh, about a day or so before new news stories make them obsolete.

I stole that from the "About" page. It's essentially a comic version of a late night monologue, one joke at a time.
Comic: Weesh
The Merle kids, upon moving into their new home, discovered a magical wish-granting rodent-like character, visible only to children, already living there. Fueled by licorice, Weesh grants whatever wish comes to the kids' minds. Tate, the middle brother, is a font of bizarre wishes, often steeped in science fiction lore. Olivia, the youngest sister, leans towards flights of fancy and everything pretty and innocent. Last, but not least, Zoey, the eldest daughter, wants everyone to just leave her alone.

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