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User Profile For Lordyv23  
I am Lordy Valor from USa. I am a cross word solver and I love to explore more crosswords puzzles. If you are also a crossword solver you can visit my site and try my challenging questions to my puzzles.
Comments Posted: 15
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Below is a list of comments made by Lordyv23, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: rm -r comic 4/5
I have not seen yet this comic strip, but I guess this art work might interest me to watch it.
Comic: Dominic Deegan 5/5
The story of this comic strip makes the whole story interesting. Although the art is not really perfect, but I have seen improvements since it started. The character are well researched and planned. I like the twist of the story.

Comic: Dueling Analogs  
This comic strip although posses not a good story still good to watch because of the art. Very talented.
Comic: Ctrl+Alt+Delete 5/5
For me, I find this comic very interesting. I like the story. I love Lilah, it reminds me of my GF.
Comic: 8-bit Theatre 4/5
Not bad, this comic strip is so funny. How could this four damn creatures who happens to be on an evil side become heroes.LOL!!!
Comic: Menage a 3 5/5
This comic is a must see for everyone. I like the story honestly. I remember my college days when I am living in an boarding house. We have girls our house and its ohhh terrible...LOL!!!makes me rember..Good old days...
Comic: PVP Online 5/5
I really like this comic, it has so many ups and downs, the ambitious cat who wants to rule the whole world who is always spoiled on its plans. LOL!!!
Comic: El Goonish Shive 5/5
I have read this comic and I see that the cast was perfectly picked, well studied and researched. You\'ve done a good job....
Comic: Punch an' Pie 3/5
The story is quite not impressive, although I like the art work. Nevertheless, its not bad at all. Its just the story was very common to me.
Comic: Penny Arcade 4/5
Penny Arcade is for me one of the best. I really appreciate the whole thing. The drawings is very excellent, the story is good, and the humor makes the story go wild.

Comic: Questionable Content 5/5
Although I was not able to see this web comic but as I have read the feedback\'s of the viewers, I am beginning to get interested to watch it. But definitely I am a frustrated artist. No matter how hard I try to draw still my drawing is not good. That\'s why I have high respects on drawing artists.
Comic: VG Cats 5/5
What an adventure of two cute cats. Actually I like cats very much. I am fascinated by cats specially on comic characters. The concept of the story makes the story so interesting.

Comic: Sinfest 4/5
I really enjoy this one, specially the timing of the twist of the story. It really makes me laugh when I see the pig..LOL!!

Comic: xkcd 5/5
This is a must read comics, simple art supported by appropriate content. Funny Story.
Comic: Misfile 4/5
I have seen the comics\' art and I find nice to look at. I have nothing to say except for great job. io

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