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User Profile For zonarius  
Comments Posted: 23
Favourites: 36
Profile Images Posted: 0
Comic Synopses Posted: 74
Below is a list of comments made by zonarius, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Ginger Meggs  
James Kemsley the Artist of 'Ginger Meggs' for the last 24 years died of Motor Neurone Disease on 3rd December 2007.
Award-winning cartoonist Jason Chatfield will take over the production on Ginger Meggs.
Chatfield becomes the fifth cartoonist in the strip's 86-year-history
Comic: Single and Looking 4/5
"out of the gene pool" changed it's name to "single and looking" 1 august 2007
Comic: Kudzu  
Cartoonist Doug Marlette creator of Kudzu was killed in car crash 10 July 2007.
Comic: Code Name: Hunter 5/5
If you stop changing your web page every other week {or so it seems} maybe the the bot would be able to keep track of your comic.
Comic: Garanos 4/5
The new URL is,
Comic: Sanity Check 4/5
comic no longer updated.:{
Comic: Pibgorn 5/5
Keep an eye on Brooke McEldowney's blog for updates.

Comic: Big Top 4/5
Comic: Ellington Way  
no longer updated.:{
Comic: Overdue Media 4/5
This comic is already in the data base as "UNSHELVED".
Comic: Internet Poker Secrets  
spam spam and more spam
Comic: iharthdarth  
It's a star wars 3 comic. Very funny.
Comic: Zee 3 dragons  
Someone has suggested this comic twice in the last day and both URL's are wrong.

see also "dragon x"
Comic: Mows, The  
this one is already in the data base.
Comic: Argon Zark! 4/5
It may or may not be the first webcomic,but it certainly is the most colourful.
Comic: Pointless  
now at

Comic: Schwarz Kreuz  
now at t/
Comic: Mansion of E, The  
now at
Comic: Twisted Kaiju Theater 4/5
looks like some one is spaming but the comic is quite good
Comic: Liberty Meadows 4/5
Be sure to check out the Liberty Meadows Uncensored gallery.
Comic: Hastily Put Together 4/5
Basic art but with a good sense of humor.
Be sure you read the taskbar.
Comic: Alpha Shade 5/5
Fabulous artwork. If you click on the Low Bandwidth part of the site you get the same art but in a more traditional webcomic format.

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