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User Profile For JosephSim  
Comments Posted: 1
Favourites: 1
Profile Images Posted: 1
Comic Synopses Posted: 0
Below is a list of comments made by JosephSim, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: BarteNERDS 5/5
Just got this site up and running a couple weeks ago and it\'s already at #921 out of over 20,000. Thanks for everyone that helped with that despite the site not being 100% uploaded. Finally have at least 10 comics in the archive, trying to get everything uploaded by the end of the week so I can start updating regularly. Been having a blast doing this so thank you all for the support! (I don\'t wanna be a douche and rate my own comic as a 5, but it won\'t let me not pick a rating, so 5 it is)

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