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User Profile For staresblankly  
Comments Posted: 7
Favourites: 215
Profile Images Posted: 4
Comic Synopses Posted: 4
Below is a list of comments made by staresblankly, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: mokepon 5/5
A more down to earth, and hilarious, take on the pokemon journey. YOU CAN DO IT DRAGONTHING!!
Comic: Blank It 5/5
The synopsis describes the essence of the comic so far, yet doesn\'t do it justice. It is...
Look, it\'s good. Really. Go read it.
Comic: Menage a 3 4/5
Just a lighthearted, over-the-top comic. If you want drama, you are not going to find it here :D
A good read.
Comic: Erfworld 5/5
The synopsis of this comic says it is slightly childish.
This is like painting a tank pink and calling it slightly pretty. It may be slightly pretty, BUT IT IS STILL A TANK. Don\'t be fooled by the bubblegum spewing \"dwagons\" or the giant cuddly teddy bears. This story hits hard, and the childishness just serves to pronounce the true maturity of this comic even more. Setting aside the deeply complex strategy and tactics involved, Erfworld has a very emotional side to it, and has a very complex group of characters driving the story. Also, it has instilled in me a strong fear of peeps.
Funny, complicated, and prone to making you think, I highly recommend this comic.
5 stars, all the way. I\'m drooling for updates.
Also, I\'m shocked this comic isn\'t higher on the list, and that I JUST heard of it. Needs More Love!
Comic: Somewhere Different 3/5
It\'s too early to comment on how good this series will be, which is why I\'m... commenting. Lol. But Genderbenders tend to be really good, or really bad, so I\'m holding my breath on this one. 3 stars, for now.
Comic: Blip 5/5
This comic owns in the face. I just came across it, I think the idea is genuis! I disagree with the guy/girl/beastly man thing of the apocolypse below me with the assement... I love how it is so \"everyday\" feeling, while at the same time it does feel like something big is on the horizon. Plus I think it\'s funny. I\'ll wait as long as I got to, this one is totally getting favorited!
Comic: Manly Guys Doing Manly Things 5/5
If you haven\'t guessed, it\'s very manly.

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