Comic: xkcd |
Damn! Forgot to score! 5 stars! |
Comic: xkcd |
Makes you laugh, makes you cry, makes you think, makes you wish you were better at math so you could understand more of the jokes.
Sometimes stick figures and a little wit is all you need to create a great webcomic. |
Comic: Super Effective |
Great comic if you\'re sick of Pokemon-X. Updates as often as VG Cats. I wish Scott would drop VGC and foucus on this. |
Comic: VG Cats |
I only keep this in my favorates to follow Super Effective. VG Cats itself is lame and barely updates anymore. |
Comic: Sinfest |
Did you know the creator of Sinfest is senstive to the plight of women? Well it\'s not like he\'d let you forget.
Ignore the recent strips and enjoy the comic\'s early years before it got all preachy with it\'s morales.
At least it updates daily. |
Comic: Pokémon-X |
A Pokemon sprite comic that\'s good for a laugh once in a while. Updates less often than VG Cats. |
Comic: Oglaf |
Like comedy? Like sex? You\'ll love Oglaf. At it\'s best when it dosn\'t stick to a naritive though. |
Comic: Misfile |
Looked promising at first but it takes FOREVER to go anywhere. Reads like the dairy of a transgender person struggling with their indentity. The art is okay but the transparent hair is a little distracting.
Give it a chance if you feel like reading something different. Just don\'t expect to be hooked right away. |
Comic: Menage a 3 |
Yeah there\'s a lot of sex jokes. Some of us like sex jokes, ya know.
Great art, great characters, plot progression isn\'t too slow. A transexual character who ISN\'T defined by their sexuality. How often does that happen in a webcomic?
Don\'t let the negitive reviews put you off. This a very enjoyable comic. |
Comic: El Goonish Shive |
EGS has come a long way from it\'s humble beginings as a poorly drawn gender bender fantasy comic. I feel it\'s at it\'s best when the supernatrual stuff takes a backseat to the slice of life dramady direction the comic seems to have taken since around 2010 onwards.
I don\'t care who the big bad is, I just want to know if Elliot hooks up with Susan. |
Comic: Awkward Zombie |
Most strips it\'s the hilarious facial expressions rather than the brilliant jokes that make me laugh. Highly recommened for videogame fans. |
Comic: Aoi House |
I read right up \'til the Silent Hill ark - short archive binge - before I started to find it hard to follow. Then the Series Finale ark began and now it looks like the comic is drawing to an abrupt end. Fun while it lasted though.
Plus the Keitaro expy dosn\'t end up with the Naru expy. So that was cool. |
Comic: Building 12 |
Anyone who dosn\'t like Misfile should take a look at Building 12. The characters, while not entirely unlikeable, are archtypical and bland. The art\'s not great, but then it is the creator\'s first comic and had he not abandoned it would probably have reached Misfile quality in time.
We get exactly one \"Book\" less than 35 pages long to introduce us to the characters before the nonsical \"Plot\" begins. Intrestingly, the \"They wasted a perfectly good plot\" complaints Misfile is infamous for has it\'s origins in Building 12.
Case in point; a obviously female Character named Alex is trying to pass as a boy because she was mistaken for a boy on her acceptence letter. Not the kind of plot point that could go on and on but should at least last long enough for a few laughs right? Wrong. 10 pages after her introduction, Alex\'s \"Secret\" is discovered by \"Main character\" Joe before he even had time to grow sweet on Polly Oliver. The next day they have sex and Joe proposes they \"Go gay\" to keep Alex\'s indentity hidden. A little funny, but too little to late.
Then comes the corrupt schoolboard, terrorists, aliens, demons and whatever \"Threat\" the creator feels like throwing in. Try getting past Book 4 without getting bored if you can.
There are worse webcomics on the net, but Building 12 is far from one of the best. |