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User Profile For Entropy  
I am me, and you aren't.
Comments Posted: 9
Favourites: 32
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Comic Synopses Posted: 4
Below is a list of comments made by Entropy, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Looking for Group 2/5
As has been said here, there is exactly one interesting character: Richard. The rest are weak stereotypes with nothing interesting going on, much less funny. Richard successfully carries the comic through much of it\'s archives, but in recent months the comic has been just AWFUL. Partly, this is because Richard has been de-emphasized, but even when he does try to use Richard, Richard just isn\'t as funny as he used to be. This comic is in free fall, and I am dropping it from my faves.
Comic: Menage a 3 2/5
I gave it a good long try. I\'ll admit the T&A and perversion caused me to give it a longer try than I otherwise might have, but ultimately the story or funny have to carry a strip and this one just doesn\'t have enough of either.
Comic: Order of the Stick, The 4/5
If you have ever roleplayed (especially D&D 3rd Ed) this comic is a laugh riot through the early years of the strip. Eventually however, he clearly runs out of those sorts of gags and gets involved telling his plot. These portions are much less funny, though they have moments. Also, the \'latest\' link that this site uses is broken or something and loads about 1 out of 100 times. Go to instead. It\'s an extra click (sidebar under comics), but it will load ALOT faster.
Comic: Special School 2/5
This strip started very interesting to me. Lots of unusual spins on traditional super-human themes, along with a dash of occasional humor. But lately the comic has been wandering with less funny, less originality, and less updates. If you're a comic book fan, the archives are worth reading, but I think I am done following this regularly.
Comic: Wapsi Square 2/5
This strip was alot better in the early days. I've been reading for months (years?) based primarily on the strength of those earlier strips when there was humor in Tepoz, and waiting for this whole aztec clock thing to resolve itself. The series has gotten away from what made it good and I see no hope for it returning to what it was.
Comic: Wicked Powered 2/5
The comic has gone into reruns, and wasn't really all that clever or funny even before it did. It's basically a jumble of time-travel and sci-fi cliches with weak puns and over the top stupid characters. Really not that strong.
Comic: Queen of Wands 5/5
Aiere, the author has a new webcomic: Punch an' Pie. Features Angela from QoW. The art on P&P isn't as polished or good, and I miss Kestrel alot, but it's a nice consolation prize.
Comic: RPG-TV 2/5
The one about the McDonald's shake (sample comic 1) was HILARIOUS. I went through the entire archive on the strength of that one comic, but the rest was pretty cookie-cutter, and not very funny. Do more like that McDonald's one. That was comedy gold.
Comic: Casey and Andy 5/5
Casey & Andy is awesome in every way but the art. Funny and blessed with far more interesting and original ideas than most comics. How many webcomics can write gags about Quantum Mechanics?

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