The Webcomic List presents a daily list of updated webcomics from all over the web, we currently have over 26600 web comics and online comics listed within our site. We aim to be the number one online comic directory, visit us today to help us achieve that goal!
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User Profile For skythorn  
Comments Posted: 180
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Comic Synopses Posted: 32
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by skythorn that are currently in use.

A rift. A team. Scientists. A roman soldier. Time passage at odds with observed reality - looming knights and a maze populated by enhanced by our heros - high tech humans in tight bodysuits - one might remark on the changing artistic styles of the artists rendering this storyline - but that would be too obvious.
Comic: A Princess of Mars
Comic: Awesome Hospital
Story by Chad Bowers and Chris Sims
Art by Matt Digges
Logo and Lettering by Josh Krach

Death Rays. Mind Control. Teenage Werewolves. When you\'ve got a problem so rad that conventional science can\'t help, you need to consult the specialists of Awesome Hospital.

Case History
#1: Diagnosis: A rash of Death Ray attacks and a critical case of rocking too hard test the skills of the Awesome Hospital staff.

#2: Malignant: Financial troubles force a merger with the private Weakler & Associates clinic, but will the WeakAss doctors save Awesome Hospital... or destroy it?

#3: Forever: A problem in the past sends Mike, Sven, Arthur and the mysterious Dr. Time Machine across the timestream to operate, but on who... or what?
Comic: B.A.S.O.
An epic space opera
Comic: Basic
Basic by David Exton.

A boy, a beach, a robot and awesome dinosaurs. What else would you be expecting.

Oh, that's right, adventure, in full simu-colour and programmed in basic.
Comic: Battle Bunnies
Battle Bunnies - a furry fantasy themed webcomic in glorious two tone black and white. Long in gestation by the author/artist, now in web-print. Enjoy.

PLOT Three empires dominate the central world. To the east, two war continuously. To the east, one prospers.
Comic: Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant,
In 19th-century Turkey, an officer in the Janissary army must struggle to repay a brash adventuress for saving his life, even though she was the one who endangered it in the first place. The webcomic unfolds with four or six new pages each Saturday. The number of pages varies each week in service to the story, usually determined by which page would make a more cruel, heart-wrenching cliffhanger.

Portions of the story (more or less the entire first chapter) have been previously self-published as Delilah Dirk and the Treasure of Constantinople. However, they were in black and white then. Now they’re in colour!
Comic: Elspeth
We follow a travelling weapons trader, Elspeth, seeking her way through a world rich with cultures of orcs, satyres, elves and ogres - contemplating a way to save the poorly respected humans from being overlooked and their future stunted, while finding her way through the worlds biases, moralities and varied skills.

Beautiful detail, facial sensitivity and line drawing. un-inked and as of Oct 2010 only 53 pages - following a traditional 22 pages per \'edition\' its planned to be a publishable comic.
Comic: Fallen Justice
Fallen Justice

Intensely powerful hero \'Justice Theta\' has days to live, and resolves to remove villians by not being mercyful allowing their chance of rehabilitation to be taken, but chooses to take them out instead.

It\'s a powerfully coloured, dynamically drawn and sparsely spoken webcomic.

This series is a precursor to the popular \"Dynagirl\" series.
Comic: Finders Keepers
Chapter 1

After Cailyn Asher unintentionaly laid claim to Cardinal\'s soul, binding the two of them together until Cailyn \"[is told] exactly what is going on,\" she convinces/commands Cardinal to capture one of the Umbra for questioning. unfortunately this plan does not pan out well, and the two of them are on the run again.

Chapter 2

Cardinal brings the injured Cailyn to Lady Scarring, the old Aspect who did most of the healing work on Cardinal after his run in with the Umbra. Lady Scarring opinies that Cailyn should not have survived, and Card goes to see DEATH to discover why Cailyn survived. DEATH has many things to say to Card, and also bestows a gift on Cailyn.

Chapter 3

After Cailyn recovers, Cardinal takes them shopping. They need a few supplies if they are to find The Fate and make any headway at all.

Chapter 4

Having separated from Cardinal in a devious plan to tempt fate into showing Itself and uncovering the myster of why the Umbra are after Cardinal, Cailyn must contend with the twists and dangers of socializing beyond the Veil. With a bit of luck she\'ll keep herself from being spirited away by the Fae named Puck and keep the lurking Umbra at bay. However her stubbornness may well get her in deeper trouble than she\'s capable of handling.
Comic: Girl Genius
A multi Hugo/Eisner/Squiddly award winning gaslamp series, comprising the following volumes:

Volume 1: Agatha Heterodyne and the Beetleburg Clank
Volume 2: Agatha Heterodyne and the Airship City
Volume 3: Agatha Heterodyne and the Monster Engine
Volume 4: Agatha Heterodyne and the Circus Of Dreams
Volume 5: Agatha Heterodyne and the Clockwork Princess
Volume 7: Agatha Heterodyne and the Voice of the Castle
Volume 8: Agatha Heterodyne and the Chapel of Bones
Volume 9: Agatha Heterodyne and the Heirs of the Storm
Volume 10: Agatha Heterodyne and the Guardian Muse
Volume 11: ongoing ...

Synopsis : Agatha Clay, a fumbling non-spark, grew up in Beetleburg with her mute father and capable mother in a humble mechanics workshop. The story opens on her last day at Beetleburg University which started badly with the loss of her uncle\'s locket through a mugging, a bizzare apparition appearing in front of her in a crowded street, her being chastised for being late and her beloved Spark Teacher, Mr Beetleburg, being killed in front of her while the Baron, a powerful spark himself, Klaus Wulfenbach visited and watched on during a surprise inspection.

The world is one of science, steam and mad geniuses competing with each other to fulfil their dreams of power, genius and the subjugation of reality to their wishes. With sparks, this is not only possible, but frequently achieved.
Comic: Gore
Gore! Gore! Gore! Gore... Hypothermian? Is that his real name? You\'d better believe it. He\'s not the most intelligent of men, but he\'ll set you a proper example of an honourable man. Gore\'s a warrior in the service of his lord, and his newest worthy task is minding the lord\'s son Reef while he tags along on a patrol mission. The son isn\'t quite what Gore expects (he expects a dimwitted crybaby), but he\'s still not the ideal companion for a fierce dragon-armour wearing, dragon-riding battledude. Unless you like odd couples, then he\'s perfect. It\'s a fantasy story with sharp comedy and slick art, great characters and lots of style. Updates can be a little slow, but worth waiting for!
Comic: Heroes, Inc.
Even Heroes get old ... a story of old and retired heroes who want to do nothing but stay retired, yet it appears that the WWII program that spawned these heroes is in the process of being reactivated.

Our heroes come from a world where Japan bombed the west, and the West chose to Surrender.

Zeplins, Western thinking and lush colours in this webcomic.
Comic: Jesus Christ
Jesus is in Heaven, he\'s tired of all the crap god has laid on humans, and he is almost about to start to make a difference ... and the Angels are really getting annoying with their constant trumpeting ...
Comic: Kranburn
This is Kranburn, an Australian Post Apocalypse comic. Suggested for mature readers, contains graphic violence and swearing.

\"Like Mad Max set in a Post Apocalyptic suburbia\"

Come and follow the settlement of Kranburn as it tries to survive in this harsh world.


95.5% of humanity is dead. All that is left are settlements dotted throughout the landscape. In this kill or be killed environment the peaceful settlement of Kranburn cannot continue to take the passive route when might equals right and a mad dictator to the north has every intention of destroying them.

Kranburn is a story seen mostly from the point of view of Brand, a resident of Kranburn.

In 1992 a plague ravaged the world. Totally unprepared for the fast spreading illness mankind was made nearly extinct, with only .5% being immune and seeing 1993. Fast forward to the year 2015 and life has stuttered but continued, mostly in the form of strongholds and settlements. This story follows the settlement of Kranburn, a small town built on what was once the rooftop car park of an old shopping centre.
Comic: LARP Trek - boldly larping where no crew has LARPed before
LARP - Live Action Role Play

Start Trek characters playing Star Trek players.


LARP Trek started as a jokey conversation at a Metafilter meetup about a year ago; sitting around a fire, a few drinks in me, I pitched the idea that Deep Space Nine wasn’t a real thing that happened in the Star Trek universe, but was in fact a role-playing game that the crew of Next Generation played when they were on one boring milk run or another in between the exciting stuff that we got to see during the weekly episodes. All of the character pairings I proposed (Picard as Sisko, Dr. Crusher as Dax, Riker as Dr. Bashir, Troi as Quark, etc.) were just vehicles for commentary on the Enterprise crew’s psychological foibles and insecurities and delusions of grandeur; DS9 was a soap opera because the people playing it were straight-laced Starfleet bridge officers letting their hair down.

Comic: Love and Capes
Abby and Mark are a typical couple. At least, that\'s what Abby thinks. Unknown to her, her boyfriend is not just an accountant, but also the super-powered crime-fighter, the Crusader. And, tonight, Mark\'s going to let her in on the secret.

Abby always knew he was a good guy. She just didn\'t know how good.

\"Love and Capes\" is a heroically super romantic comedy situation comedy in comic book form from Thom Zahler.

\"I\'ve always liked superheroes, and I\'ve always liked romantic comedies,\" says Zahler. \"It was kind of a peanut butter and jelly moment. The ideas just started flowing after that.\"
Comic: Monster Soup
A group of misfit monsters are imprisoned in a castle. (Some comedy, horror, and a little bit of everything else.)
Comic: Necesssary Monsters
Horror Noir Fantasy
Comic: Omega Chase
Omega Chase is the story of Mack Baron, a man who knows who he is but doesn\'t know where he\'s supposed to be. Currently, he\'s the sheriff of a 19th century Texas town... but he also vaguely recalls being an officer on a 24th century starship... and an archer in a band of medieval adventurers. He\'d love to sort it all out, but a zombie horde has just entered town, and he is Sheriff after all...
Comic: Our intrepid crew
A space opera of interplanetary alien intermingling.


This comic updates once a week on Tuesday, 0:00 GMT. The process is automated using the Comicpress theme for WordPress. We played around a lot with some old ideas of Riess’s (and Squid’s) and came up with “Our Intrepid Crew” which we hope will entertain and delight you.

About the creators
Riess — The Artist! Viennese. Been drawing for most of his life (after the requisite motor skills for holding a pencil came together). A suspicious person, according to Canadian border security. And Canadian bouncers.

SquidDNA — Author. Schemer. Learning a little about art from Riess and more about WordPress and CSS than he would like. A Mississippi native feeling at home in Chicago, he teaches college students about microbiology and cell biology.
Comic: Patrik the Vampire
Story of a vampire working to be more friend less soulless destroyer of humans. He makes a pretty good browns, bakes and knits. Occasionally he makes mistakes he regrets. Over 200 pages of excellent plot, art and coloring. A Hiveworks member. 2018, Dec 30
Comic: Perpetual Flux
In the late 19th century, Europe is the forerunner of a new, more powerful industrial revolution, spreading its machine driven influence with the hopes of bettering the lives of its citizens. Yet across the Atlantic, in the small burgeoning towns of America, a young woman by the name of Vanessa Clarke is ready to be put to death for crimes that run far deeper than any would suspect. Even when the opportunity for a second chance arrises, it is bestowed with a heavy task, one she may not be able to handle.

WARNING: contains violence, gore, foul language, and suggestive themes.
Comic: Pyregrass
Pyregrass is a fantasy themed webcomic, taking place in the city of Ashhaven.
For hundreds of years magic has lain dormant, sealed away by the now extinct Exalted Ones to keep it away from those that would abuse it. By a sheer accident the Sigil that kept magic under lock was broken, and so it was released back into the world.

Now, a mere 21 years later, humanity is trying to cope with the changes that this event has brought about, as old artefacts are brought back to life and individuals find themselves wielding strange powers. Meet Silas, a brilliant but sickly young man who is desperately trying to rediscover the lost arts of alchemy in order to save his own life from a certain early end.

Author : Cecilia Petersson
Text taken from on 23 August 2011
Comic: Saint's Way
Saint’s Way is a webcomic in the style of a graphic novel and is about family, superheroes, magic and SCIENCE! Set on an Earth not quite unlike our own save for a few special individuals, the adventure begins with the escape of Vivian, a very angry, very strong little girl who sets her sights on New York – a recently evacuated city due to the threat of alien invasion.

The comic is updated every Sunday with a new page.
Comic: Shades
Heroes from England\'s past have helped to win the World War II - with empowered men and spiritual guides, goddesses with chariots and armour, the old guard of England\'s success are encountering the new guard\'s appearance. The storyline follows the \'tailor\' of the old hero\'s and the acceptance of the role that powered heros and spiritual guides have in the future of England. Has tasteful Nudity.

Updates : between weekly and every 3 days.
Style: Fantasy / Sci-Fi
Comic: Sidekick Girl
You work hard, you have skills of fleet mind, acute vision and an excellent combat capability, yet you are paired with an unintelligent vapid girl with flashy powers - only interested in her own reflection - it seems that you are doomed to be sidekick girl forever - what\'s a heroic sidekick to do?
Comic: SS Myra (NSFW)
Mature comic with adult themes
SciFi quirky adventure with purchasers of an animate space ship with a perverted adult entertainment orientated copy of the original owner called Myra.

Amusing, Funny, Adult and You Have Been Warned.
Comic: Sufficiently Remarkable
A webcomic about two women, living and life.

Riti Mirabilay - Fresh out of college, Riti finds herself living the art school cliche: Working a retail job while trying to get a foothold as an artist.

Meg Ramsey - With no qualms about mooching off her parents’ generosity, Meg wanders aimlessly from one distraction to the next.
Comic: Super B^tch Comic
Superbitch is a webcomic about, well, Superbitch: a female superhero-for-hire and her sidekick, The Art Hobo: a superpowered unemployed art school grad. With the help of their tech-savvy roommate Quinn, they fight crime…or whatever. Updates Mondays and Fridays.
Comic: The Wizard of Quippley
The Wizard of Quippley is an online comic that explores the misadventures of Algerbane the Mage. Updates every Tuesday
Comic: Unknown Lands
Unknown Lands is a fantasy comic about a bunch of punks
with too much power for anyone\'s good.

A bandit, a runaway heir, and a spirit-eating hunter end up bound
to a dangerous pair of monsters called the Unknown.
Forced to follow the whims of the Unknown, they travel around their nordic world and face evil elves,
bloodthirsty hunters, mythic monsters, ancient sorcerers and mysterious deities.
...And try to not kill each other

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