Comic: Monster Earth |
Deadlinked. Webcomic no longer available at link provided. |
Comic: Tower of God |
Been following for a while. Mad good art. Weirdest plot and power sets ever ... |
Comic: Askance Glance |
Webcomic seems down and unavailable as of July ,2022 |
Comic: Turbo Defiant |
incorrect link - needs updating.
try |
Comic: Gaia |
Beautiful art and color, not concluding. Some good plot and world building features. Better than OK but not great. Enjoy! |
Comic: Prisoners of the Gas Giant |
Deadlinked 2021 August. |
Comic: Erfworld |
For personal reasons the creator and creative team halted work on the webcomic. There is sorrow, grief, angst and disappointment, along with a lot of other emotions. As such, the webcomic is on perminant hiatus if not shut down Most material has been taken down and fan material also lost. |
Comic: Purgatory Tower |
https://www.d |
Comic: Depravia |
Deadlinked as of July 2019. Suggest this be an archive entry now.
Found the 13 pages completed at: read/depravia-2/13 |
Comic: Elven |
Not updated since 2014. A Shame. |
Comic: Bounty Hunter Space Besties |
Fair art and fair plot.
Artist/Author has decided to stop after a 7 month hiatus and redirect efforts elsewhere
Web-comic permanently halted 1 January 2018 |
Comic: Platinum Grit |
The shockwave flash file format is incompatible with most devices, however, if you explore the forums, you can find a link to a download TAR of a fair portion of the web comic. That\'s glorious news for those wishing to review and reacquaint themselves with the web comic.
Dec 2018 |
Comic: Platinum Grit |
The shockwave flash file format is incompatible with most devices, however, if you explore the forums, you can find a link to a download TAR of a fair portion of the web comic. That\'s glorious news for those wishing to review and reacquaint themselves with the web comic.
Dec 2018 |
Comic: Tales of the Traveling Gnome |
Found on the Duck
http://www.theduckwebcomics .com/Tales_of_the_Traveling_Gnome/4 828152/ |
Comic: Jungle Fire |
No webcomic action since 2012. No forum action since 2014. Probably on permanent hiatus. .. Nov 2017 |
Comic: Johnny Saturn |
No posts for ages. The artist/writer seems to be re-doing his work but I cannot see evidence of this. Effectively on Haitus since 2015 and no new work from then until now, late Nov 2019 |
Comic: Our intrepid crew |
Site is down and work has been lost. Shame. Finished on a high point after 100 pages. Team dispersed and the site failed to be saved. By By. Sad face here. Nov 2017 |
Comic: Bleeding Mortals |
Superb gritty violence and crime rendered in watercolor and tenderly drawn lifework. Noir aesthetic. After 2 chapters I\'m looking forward to the rest of this series unfolding. |
Comic: By Moon Alone |
The webcomic is unfinished and as the hiatus is from late February 2013, I think there will be no further work on this . |
Comic: Wayfarer's Moon |
This webcomic was reliable and regular for some time, until it hit a sticky patch of writing and art. The accompanying blog was rich with commentary and suggested a resurrection, but this failed to eventuate. What I remember of the webcomic was positive. Good (if thick) line art giving good movement and balance to the characters, great world creation in a fantasy setting plus intriguing character revelation in the manner of Elisabeth Moon's great series ~The Deed of Paksenarrion
So, deadlinked as of April 2017 and closed to access the archive as of early 2016. |
Comic: Catalyst |
updates ( march 6th 2015)
Most Recent Page: 457 - FIN - Wrapping up Loose Ends
Final update - Catalyst is complete!
And it only took me nine years! (When I started, my screen resolution size was 800x600!) It was impossible to fit everything I wanted to say into this tiny box, so I linked it all out to a different page, along with additional bits about the characters.
So what now? I\'m not sure. I\'ve had a long, dry spell. Which is a shame, because I\'ve been sitting on this fantastic script for years now. Its name is Shalott, and it was like the outpouring of all the nerdy jokes welling up inside me ever since I made the horrible decision of being a programmer drawing a fantasy webcomic. Also, robots.
Thank you to all of you for being patient, and for those who have sent complimentary and encouraging words. I hope you enjoyed my shoddy old webcomic! I look forward to seeing you somewhere else in the future. :)
- Crystal |
Comic: Platinum Grit |
Before OGLAF there was Platinum Grit - a flash webcomic (hard to view on some devices, ever heard of an old obsolete thing of Adobe\'s product line called Shockwave, yes it has been that long) by the rather twisted team of Trudy and Danny.
In any case, the web-comic can be read, its been on hiatus since 2010 so it has been 7 years since a last update was done. It is perplexing, bizarre, beautiful, timeless, sensual, critically perceptive and a completely realistic mind ream ... If you can, immerse yourself and enjoy one of the gifts of the webcomic universe
... |
Comic: A Redtail's Dream |
A superb webcomic with sumptuous artwork, great discipline and pacing for the delivery of a webcomic with great nuance, colour usage, multilingual skills and sweet whimsy. Delightful. Amongst the best you can find as a complete webcomic online, and among the best first webcomics started and completed by a single artist. |
Comic: Magical Girl Life |
This webcomic has simple tonal lines and flat colors with western style manga artwork. The plot is still developing but it is hastening to interactions with others relatively fast. Thus far, the webcomic is showing teenage character and obsession with clothes and customisation. I think the webcomic would appeal to teens and girls. |
Comic: Dead Winter |
The website exists but the last updated webcomic is mid 2016 as I type this in March 2017. I think the term \'haitus\' applies. The webcomic seems to have over 500 pages in it\'s archives. |
Comic: The Adventures of Dr McNinja |
Webcomic has now completed its run - supurb effort from sketch to high quality graphic experience. Well done and salutations to all who dive in and journey through the experience. |
Comic: Genocide Man |
Webcomic is completed. Its an interesting morality exploration. Recommended. |
Comic: Hero In Training |
Deadlinked as of July 2016 |
Comic: Tales of the Traveling Gnome |
Now is deadlinked and no archives are available. The artist is doing work still on \"tales of Pylea\', his blog has no mention of Tales of the Travelling Gnome. <sadface> |
Comic: Headliners |
absolutely weird perspectives and figures, but the passion in the writing is worth respecting ... i will keep reading and let you know how it gets rated ... at the moment only fair ... |
Comic: Headliners |
absolutely weird perspectives and figures, but the passion in the writing is worth respecting ... i will keep reading and let you know how it gets rated ... at the moment only fair ... |
Comic no longer at URL shown |
Comic: Regent |
Great artwork but no updates for 12 months. No plot visible thus far other than the artwork.
De-followed July 2015 |
Comic: Everyone fucking dies. Why don't you? |
I am enjoying this webcomic, although its\' updates are kinda slow. There is a very bleak black view of the world being shown. I hope it continues - Jan 2015 |
From the website seen on January 14 2014
The end of the Hatefarms
Dearest Hatefarmers!
It comes with great crotch moisture that I am announcing the shutting down of Hatefarm. Lack of interest, time and funds for myself and my colleagues has lead to a site that has been dying for a while now. We are all moving onto our own separate projects (except for Andrew has been running his webcomic strong for a while now) and we will be uploading all the Hatefarm comics to this tumblr. (Empty at the moment). You can follow progress on my upcoming animated graphic novel Merry Melony here: and Rob’s writing exploits via his twitter: . We want to thank you for all the likes, shares, laughs, tears, and especially the negative, hate-filled comments. Please keep the Hate close with you, preferably in your butt pockets, and never let it out. -The Farmers |
Comic: Aesir Corp |
The website does not appear functional. Pages filled with SQL errors, no artwork visible and it seems the last update was 2005.
Review date - 2014 |
Comic: LARP Junkies |
Deadlinked 13 Oct 2013 |
Comic: Galaxion |
Whoa - colour now. Very nicely and lovingly done - in the written style of Gene\'s Star Trek universe. Recommended. |
Comic: Spacetrawler |
A really excellent webcomic to binge through if you like SF with a bit of hilarity run through it. Well recommended. sept 2013 |
Comic: League Of Super Redundant Heroes |
An interesting concept well realised. It\'s a gag-a-strip format with a slight overarching concept to guide the plot. It\'s ok. 3 stars kinda? |
Comic: A Princess of Mars |
The above comments are taken from the website\'s webcomic\'s author. You can probably get the gist of the work from that. The art and colour is fantastic. Very very satisfying. I look forward to seeing how it proceeds. |
Comic: Magellan |
Logn standing well paced and well written free superhero universe. It\'s internal logic is well framed and it\'s designed to have you enjoy the interplay of characters - not show off powers not yet imagined. Worth following - and worth following for a long time as it\'s been going for a long time.
October 2012 |
Comic: Basics, The |
deadlinked as of Sept 2012 |
Comic: lucy lastique |
No longer with new content, but what content is there is, for a SF themed porn site that is no longer providing access, of good quality. There might even be a plot somewhere. Who knows. I cant comment on overly pneumatic artistic flimsy wear ladies doing SFF ... but the artwork is still good.
August 2012 |
Comic: Samurai's blood |
I\'ve enjoyed this webcomic a lot, but it\'s gotten to a flat stage, and I am getting browser hijacks & possibly viruses from the advertising - so it\'s going in the bin.
Skythorn - 21 July 2011 |
Comic: TANK |
A lovely start to a post apocalyptic world - the central character is a touch too lovely for a hideous future, so I can only just hope that it\'s not too hideous. I shall await what may come. I hope the writing continues to be competent and move into sensitive yet significant. |
Comic: Metal Wraith |
It\'s been discontinued but the archives are still available as of 2012 June. |
Comic: Gregor |
Looked for a synopsis on the web page but could not find anything other than \'with great power comes not giving a shit\' - which is not quite the comic.
NE-How, a grey looking lumpy humanesque figure with great strength and a poor sense of humour is living with two girls in a house. He keeps loosing his job, the girls keep flashing boobies (well, it happened once, so it may happen again) and he jumps awesomely, smashes goblins well and there\'s a suprise vist by Kriss Kringle.
It\'s a lot better than it sounds, not completely crap, but better than things like Sorethumbs, AxeCop and Busty Solar. It\'s adult, but it\'s realistically sensible. Fanservice not really, somewhat plot driven.
However, the latest villians - *shudder* it could all go horribly wrong. |
Comic: Lady Sabre & The Pirates of the Ineffable Aether |
awesome to discover. Top class merging of genres. Wonderful. |
Comic: MARS |
It\'s 94 pages in and a good pacing for a work that has strong flavour of a Golden Age sf story. A detective, a rough prospector, a robot and a mystery. The armed forces, a utopian future that is not so utopian and a side order of the questions of existence.
Very competent
Artwork - Enthusiastic 3D rendering without going super-realistic. While it\'s not too pefect, it\'s also not too amateurish. It conveys the story most admirably.
Colouring - Competent.
Plot - Fair to good. A sympathetic rendition of the golden age of SF, where the nuts and bolts of technology was hidden behind facades of gleaming performance rich chassis\'s - it\'s well written for what it\'s purpose is.
Character work - I give it good marks here, it remind me of some early Dr Who (The Robots of Mars for example) where technology that has sentience is questioning it\'s place in a world of questionably biological dominance. the unfolding is well done, and the characters, for being 2 dimensional vectors of interaction, perform their roles well. We are not looking at a Nobel prize in literature, but we are looking at how a story is conveyed through the work. Very well done IMO.
Worldwork - Based on a near reality to ours, is open and serious. Good.
Rating : *** (3 stars) |
Comic: Cold-Blooded |
Hosted by SmackJeeves webcomic hosting, the sites been updating and there are 44 or so pages in black and white style. It\'s evocative work which shows improvements in art styles and pacing, but it\'s not Frank Miller, nor should it be. The artwork suffered from the disappearance of the artist following a tsunami / storm in the Phillipines. It\'s a Film Nior style gumshoe detective type appearance. Worth considering folks. A superheroed costume doing bad things and being chased down by a cop with a drinking anger problem ... :) It is fair artwork, good pacing, reasonable dialogue and it\'s got potential. |
Comic: CoMers |
Deadlinked as of April 2012. |
Comic: Antares Complex |
Vast scope, poorly realised. A galactic sized soap opera that has manga elements, sword chics, space ships and turbidous planets. However, the sword just seems wrong. It\'s a very very VERY good effort, but the website building skills far exceed the drafting skills. I think it\'s a one-man-show which is a magnificent effort, but it\'s not a site demonstrating all-round webcomic author skill.
Rating - fair.
12 August 2012 |
Comic: Devilbear |
I find the art and the dialogue to be jarring. I\'ve picked it up several times to read, hoping to get entranced by it, but it\'s seemingly impossible for me to get what it is that is being demonstrated. The cute teddy bear & Amazon babe joke is well done once or twice, but after a few pages, for me at least, it started to just be naff, then rub me raw. I dislike this comic. I am in the minority because it\'s a popular site, but I don\'t understand why, and I probably never will.
------------------------- --------------
Artwork - quite reasonable. fair
Colouring - quite reasonable. Fair
Plot - don\'t understand, poor.
Character work - The scripting of characters are based on poor puns and innuendo - I find it tiresome.
Worldwork - I don\'t understand nor do I want to understand. Ghastly.
Rating - Poor |
Comic: American Barbarian |
Check it out - it\'s beautiful and full of kirby dots. Wierd ass plot though, but lovely work. As of April 2012 quite a lot of back catalogue. |
Comic: Starsomething |
Found it as a new comic, had a look, discovered that it\'s not a new comic as of 2012 but a new comic as of 2002. About 70 pages, quite interesting for a young interwebz comic, but it\'s not updated since late 2004/5. Perhaps it\'s listing here means it\'s being rebooted? Forum is locked and last entry there is 2005
Rating : 2 of 5 purely when compared to the material from 2012 |
Comic: Dayon Universe |
deadlinked as of 6 March 2012 |
Comic: HUMAN comic |
interesting - shall watch to see how it develops. Fairly unique use of graphics for page movements. Nice graphic rendering of characters.
6 march 2012 |
Comic: Perpetual Flux |
a most interesting premise, and beautifully rendered & coloured. Watching.
6 march 2012 |
Comic: infinity Burger |
A tongue in cheek single panel gag-a-day webcomic. It\'s simple and sometimes well worded. However I tired of it quickly.
Rating - ** (2 stars)
01 March 2012 |
Comic: Eerie Cuties |
I did enjoy, but after a while, I stopped enjoying the plot of young pre-pubescent fantasy figures existing in a school for magical subucci & vampires in cheerleeding uniforms, exploring new teenage passion and petty revenge being the main characteristcs. All plots are not shakesperian on might say of this, another might be that it\'s all short skirts and teenage legs. Whatever, it\'s paled on me after being most interesting - things repeat and repeat and I loose interest in the characters.
I rate this fair with poor worldwork, uninspiring characters, limited dialogue but good art, excellent shading and great use of perspective, but art aint all. 2 stars. (2 March 2012) |
Comic: Spindrift |
Summary : Lovely, Beautiful and enticing.
The colours and physiology reminiscent of \'Purgatory Tower\' by \'Silent Kitty\' with a fantastical scene of middle earth, towering plants, deep chasms and ancient cultures slowly grinding and crashing into each other through the generations. Well, I think it is like this, it\'s only the first few pages in and that\'s where the scene seems to be heading. The dialogue is tight, expressions base, secrets aplenty and dynamic expressive artwork enhancement (like speed lines or kirby dots - I don\'t know the right term) are subtle. This is a keenly honed story, and it shows well of this on the artwork team of Elsa Kroese (Artist/ Author) and Charlotte English (Writer).
Do your self a favour, if you like fantasy and good artwork with magnificent figures set among a beauteous pallette of colours, then enjoy this.
27 January 2012 |
Comic: Looking for Group |
I dont like this webcomic. The art is interesting, and there is a mature mind there somewhere but on the whole, it\'s not nice. I dont find it engaging. I dont find it insightful. It\'s sily, and to me, not silly in a bad way.
December 2011 - one star |
Comic: SAGA |
This is supurb. Please try it out. The style is very european (think Tintin, Johnny Crossbones, Toto etc.,) The plot is very 1940\'s wonderment. The pacing is tight, racy and very very thrilling. Its a darn fine discovery.
Skythorn - 20 Dec 2011 |
Comic: Project Außerdem |
Ah - it\'s stopped.
1 Dec 2011
(bugger :( _) |
Comic: Lineage |
Ah- the site has been down for a while, I hope it reutrns.
1 Dec 2011 |
Comic: Pyregrass |
Still good.
01 Dec 2011 |
Comic: Valkyrie Squadron |
Tried to follow it for a while but it\'s just not my cup of tea. Somehow the plotting does not quite gell for my taste. Art is good, colour is ok, action is fine ... just a woodeness of the characters and a meh of the plot. |
Comic: American Barbarian |
crazy enthusiastic work here - very Jack Kirby-esq.
Feels like a Golden Age romp. |
Comic: The Loneliest Astronauts |
A veritable delight of existential discursive perspectives.
No action - much thinking.
Try it. |
Comic: Project Außerdem |
It\'s restarted.
Magnificent golden age super heroic nazi cosmic scale action.
Enjoy. |
Comic: Freefall |
Picking up =- now has great plot, good characters and same bad yet good art. increasing praise mark to four stars. |
Comic: LXF: The League of Extraordinary Furries |
Do action since May 2010 |
Comic: Justice League of Abertay |
deadlinked as of October 2011 |
Comic: The Adventures of Superhero Girl |
Very bloody good. |
Comic: Utopiates |
Seems to have a lot to offer of value. Early days yet but a nice theme. I\'ll rate when there are more pages up. |
Comic: Mind Flayed |
Deadlinked as of Sept 2011 |
Comic: Turbo Defiant |
Awesome ... Very good IMO. |
Comic: Power Nap |
It actually seems pretty good - nice art - flamboyant art even .. |
Comic: Sublunary |
Nothing new since 2005. |
Comic: Pyregrass |
60 pages that all read lovely and smooth - evolving artwork enhances experience - recommended.
23 Aug 2011 |
Comic: Darkfell |
I\'m sold.
Beautiful intricate detailed world in a fantasy setting, central character seems to be beholden to his long extensive and wise past, with some sumptious arcane knowledge being demonstrated.
Saved and faved.
Rating when there are twenty or so pages under the belt.
Cant wait to see how this proceeds. |
Comic: Galactic Divine |
Quite a beautiful short 60+ page complete webcomic in the manga style. Nice one-shot piece of work. Worth checking out for the simple easy read and really quite nice visuals. |
Comic: Galactic Academy |
Sprite comic seemingly in \'gag-a-day\' format. Ceased updates 2009 with approx 890 strips complete. |
Comic: Galactic Gauntlet |
Deadlinked as of 1 August 2011 |
Comic: Schism |
This website link says that it\'s being halted and being redone - as of 2008. I think it\'s safe to say there is not much happening with this webcomic now.
August 14, 2008
I\'ve made a pretty Big Descision concerning the comic.
Basically... Schism in it\'s current form is being halted so it can completely redone starting from scratch.
Click the Flash Page up above to view the short version, or see the full announcement on the Lj Community
June 2011 |
Comic: Storm Corps |
Cant find the new site on the listed website.
Goes to a \'google login\' page instead.
Old website still exists (you can google it) and it\'s there.
I recall the comic being nice work, good art, great colour and an interesting plot line. Still, it\'s missing now so it\'s a bit hard to talk about nothing ....
July 2011 |
Comic: Chirault |
Almost 500 pages of comic here, a splendid archive of fantasy to explore.
Also, a new website is it\'s home, time to change from the old to the new (and this is a note for the administrators of this site)
July 2011 |
Comic: Our intrepid crew |
awesome artwork, characters, colouring and worldwork. Great efforts all round. Deserves greater promotion than what is currently happening.
July 2011 |
Comic: The Thunder 3 |
A jazzy fun super hero medley comic. Ennthusiastic, bright and a down-to-crazy world of black and white activities.
One whole comic available to look through, perhaps another is there, promoting the webcomic hard which means that they seek an income from being a comic sales group.
Perhaps a team worth investing in, if that is the market you work under.
------------------------- --------------
Artwork - Enthusiastic linework here, not to pefect, but not to amateurish. Good figures, good technology, some expressions a bit stunned. Fair
Colouring - Competent. Fair
Plot - Fair.
Character work - This early we can only get to see one dimensional characters powered by fundamental ethics system - Fair
Worldwork - Based on a near reality to ours, is open and serious. Good. |
Comic: Alpha Flag |
This is proving to be very interesting and curious. A very unusual plot is being developed and the progress of the plot with only one character who does not speak is being developed very well indeed.
July 2011 |
Comic: Cosmonautics |
Five pages and not much has happened - other than childish drawings and one humerous page (cooperation is never easy)
a dead poor comic.
July 2011 |
Comic: Hirnamputierte Monsteraffen erobern die Welt in ihren bunten Raumschiffen |
It looks like it has stopped being updated (in Germanish language) in 2008.
30 July 2011 |
Comic: Super-Peers |
Looks good - awaiting more. |
Comic: Minions for Hire |
73 pages of webcomicery, but not much action (if any at all) since 2007. I think this one is an archive which is no longer being pursued.
A fantasy webcomic with a magnificent world creation basis, a nice map, delightful encyclopaedea (check out the entry on Elves - LOL) and as I said before, 73 pages of nice presentable chunky stylistic artwork. Script is quick, story leaps along ... but it\'s now a dead item with no more progress I believe ...
June 2011 |
Comic: Flipside |
I\'ve put this one in and out of my favourites several times now. I cant get the gender roles sorted out in my head well enough to enjoy the comic, that fantasy and magic aspects are fine, the character development is a bit woody, and we are getting a rollout of the underlying phillosophy that the central character has in her jester thievery omni-sexual role, yet it\'s just not satisfying to me somehow. It\'s just ... a little bland ... in terms of character development. Lots of action, but the same roles being illustrated with different settings and backgrounds.
Sorry, i really cant (today anyway) say that the webcomic is a favourite. It\'s good and reliable and effective at its way of telling a story, but it\'s just not doing it for me.
29 June 2011 |
Comic: Apotheosis |
No action on the wesbsite since August 19, 2007.
I think that the childish scrawling and palm trees shown on this penultimate page do not invite vast amounts of traffic to view the talents on display.
July 2011 |
Comic: Drive |
Stunnin g
it\'s got a mohawk. And it matters!
Lovely fun. |
Comic: Goblins |
Excellent development by Tarol Hunt - one of the few webcomics that supports the creator.
Worth looking through. The backlog is enormous though. A weekender to get through. |
Comic: Freefall |
Bad Art
Great plot
clever and witty.
Earlier stuff more funny
Later stuff more philosophically clever. |
Comic: Jewel Vixens |
Not the best artwork, but quite a lot of backlog there if you like this type of stuff.
June 2
011 |
Comic: Hell's Corners |
Still being updated despite being online since 2006 - seems good, in black/white wash. I think there is humour here. I think it\'s a good work. Shall report later when I have read more.
June 2011 |
Comic: Gods of ArrKelaan, The |
Very worth your while exploring.
6 June 2011 |
Comic: Manly Guys Doing Manly Things |
But it\'s manly in a muffins break kinda way ...
Comic: KittyBot |
20 May 2011 |
Comic: Digger |
Take your time and read the archives.
18 May 2011 |
Comic: Origins of Vale |
Cant find any sign of this on the interwebs. Dead, pixels lost, deadlinked and dusted.
:19 May 2011 |
Comic: Girl Genius |
Massive backstory. Massive archive. Massively bountiful effort. One of the few webcomics that support the author/artist from dead tree editions of their work.
What can one say, three pages of artwork per week, with colour, plotting, shading and an intricate amusing madly enticing plot for over 5 years, what a monster of reliability is this webcomic.
10 may 2011 |
Comic: Outsider |
A splendid beautiful sf webcomic. Supurb. The time taken to create this work is substantial, meaning the wait time is quite extensive, but the quality of the work is well worth it.
Great characters, species, spaceship forms, plot direction and use of colours, photoshop and traditional artwork - it all blends together beautifully.
Amongst the best IMO.
10 May 2011 |
Comic: Knights of Vesteria |
The website page goes to a pharmaceutics sales spam site.
-= Deadlinked =- |
Comic: Tales of Pylea |
moved to a different website : |
Comic: Tales of the Travelling Gnome |
This is a magnificent effort - beautiful and engaging. Worth considering and reading if you love luscious colourwork and good pathos with the characters. I rate this quite highly and think that if there was more regular updates this work would be very competitive with other luminaries of the webcomic world such as Goblins and Wayfarers Moon ... read and enjoy.
Rate : 4 stars (due to slow updates)
26 April 2011 |
Comic: Stellar |
The site is still up - the drawing work is simplisitic for those that like the fully rendered work from the mainstream comic book publishers =- the style is more like an enthusiastic fan rendering in the style of early 70\'s comicwork - Steve Ditko to be flattering to the comic - However, it\'s not quite my thing and i\'ve not really the time or inclination to rate this. If it\'s your thing, please do so.
26 April 2011 |
Comic: No Soap, Radio |
webcomic has ceased after 88 strips in 2007 - with the creator claiming that their enthusiasm waned. An interesting backlog of work though. Fair to good.
19 april 2011 |
Comic: Love, Life, and Pain |
Linked to japanese blog outlining something called \'nlp\' as learnt by blogger in seminar.
Cant\' see anything about a webcomic here.
:19 April 2011 |
Comic: Marsh Rocket |
Goddam this comic is good and GODDAM there are no reviews of it. Silly crazy - its not a bad guns and 007 adventure with darn good drawing and art. Get yourself happy and sit down with a nice glass of red and read a well paced drawn corporate espionage adventure. |
Comic: White Noise |
darn good, slow updates lately but darn good. I look forward to the plot unfolding ....
5 April 2011 |
Comic: Acrobat |
Had a look - lots of pages done and story line seems to be quite extesive.
Not the most accomplished of artists, but the thing about the internet is that you dont always get the most perfect work. I am going to have a more thorough look later on. Until now, saved for later.
4 April 2011 |
Comic: Clockwork Game: The Illustrious Career of a Chess-Playing Automaton |
Lovely line work and quite impressive use of hatching (hachure) for a webcomic. An enticing storyline and I look forward to seeing how this work proceeds. I do like b/w artwork.
I shan\'t give a star rating until a bit further on. But so far, bloody nice work! |
Comic: Mine's BIGGER!! |
4 April 2011 : today all links are deadlinks.
Some activity (not webcomic though) at ... archive is a frame of text with no data or pictures. shame. |
Comic: Lineage |
Beautifully done and paced. Intrigue, kindness, drugs, the end of times, philosophy and handcrafts.
Thus far it is a beautiful and interesting journey. |
Comic: Quantum Vibe |
SF of the harder version - science is the tool, not the plot - an din Quantum Vibe we have a central character who is a petulant and mindfull girl who has been, somewhat awkwardly, teamed up with a very aged, much rejuvinated, yet heavily flawed scientist that suffers obnoxious financial riders on his research
Artwork - Clean bold linework with very effective frame and perspective use. It\'s hard to show the incredible future from a mundane use point of view, yet the artist manages this well.
Colouring - Greyscale only here. It\'s effective though. I almost prefer grayscale for this type of storyline.
Plot - There is a touch of Niven here, science and new boundaries, yet the bleak financial riders with their accounting heirachy needs comes through. Perhaps it\'s more Rudy Rucker. - Enticing & V. Good.
Character work - Sympatheticly described people are here, and you understand their motivations. Nicely done.V. Good
Worldwork - The future has it\'s rules, some implementations fantastic, some are understandable extensions of current technologies. Good, if not Excellent.
Rating : V. Good to Excellent
25 Mar 2011 |
Comic: Ratfist |
Its about a rat and a man and a lady and a world made of warped humans mixed up with fish, dogs and evilness. It\'s a perplexing ride but just get there and enjoy it. Catch phrase \"You just got Chumped! Chump!!\"
Artwork - Enthusiastic flamboyance here, not to pefect, but not to amaturish. Goofball style done most affectionately. Fair
Colouring - Bold and Brilliant is the name of this colourist game. Good
Plot - It reminds me of Axe Cop - but with a thin veneer of plot. Fair.
Character work - one dimentional 3rd wall breaking - Fair
Worldwork - Open and Silly - nothing wrong with that in my world. Fair.
Rating : Fair to Good
25 Mar 2011 |
Comic: Gravity |
Primary posting site is deadlinked.
Archive still exists.
23 March 2011
Comic: Sequential Art |
Awesome work by this single line max four panel comic artist - just graduated black white tones, just iconic references to technical culture, just perfect pacing, gorgeous furry girls that have a fascinating element of unpredictable danger - and a really really long backstory catalog.
A wonderful discovery and very enjoyable.
To be honest, it\'s one of the best webcomic discoveries I have made in the last couple of years, up there with Buck Godot and Dr McNinja ... so that\'s fairly high praise.
4 stars (cos 5\'s perfect, and I don\'t want to spoil that occasion if it ever happens)
Review Date : 11 March 2011 |
Comic: The Fighting Stranger |
a curious sff product from Drunk Duck.
I don\'t quite get the plot\'s progression once the first circuit has been done, but it\'s an old plot use that has been used once or twice before.
I have the comic and regularly look at it, but I don\'t know how the stranger fits into the storyline - nor the escapees that he is asked to deal with ...
waiting ... |
Comic: Alpha Flag |
not many pages.
much interesting unresolved plot
colouring used very enticingly.
favourited - shall see how it progresses |
Comic: Locus |
Seems to be over here now: |
Comic: Thumpculture |
Ah well - he\'s moved onto better and different things - his blog page shows a different theme he has moved to ..
http://neillcameron.blogspot. com/ |
Comic: Thumpculture |
Shame - no updates since 2008 ... it looks a very fun comic with wild colours and characters. It might have been a very fun nieche ... |
Comic: Finders Keepers |
This is a very professionally made webcomic.
The author/artist worked beforehand on Comedity (check out 929/Finders-Keepers for details)
Artwork - Professionaly drafted work - V good to excellent skills.
Colouring - I don\'t notice any problems, colours and shade are used very successfully. Matt Black bleeds show interface between worlds well. Excellent.
Plot - It does remind me of London Below from Neil Gaimons \'\'Neverwhere\'\', but the story is going very much it\'s own way, there may be overlap but not stealing as much as intersecting. Exciting and interesting thus far. Good.
Character work - Characters are empathisable, which is interesting because some don\'t have much`humanity` - Good.
Worldwork - Intricate and tight - V. Good.
Rating : V. Good
17 Feb 2011
Comic: Comedity |
Webcomic has reached conclusion.
New work by artist/writer is available at 929/Finders-Keepers
Its a bloody good read and a lot more of a Guts & Anguish fantasy spin than Comedity was a tech & Perplexitude spin.
18 Feb 2011 |
Comic: Hardcase |
it\'s early days, 4 pages online as of 17/Feb/2011 - but it looks graphic and a sensible investigation when a normal powered girlriend and a super powered boyfriend have a night of passion that gets a little out of control.
I look forward to seeing how this progresses.
Rating : pending |
Comic: Warbirds of Mars |
The world is at war with aliens in post WWII technology, our planet is under the yoke of aliens and their allies, nazi troupers. With a hard bitten hero, a peg leg General McArthur and a brunette maiden with suspenders (how can one not notice the suspenders) we have an interesting `comic nior\' plotline to explore.
Artwork - Good line work, slighlty off perspective, some curiously positioned viewpoints and alien artifacts - a generously lined artistic work. Not worldbeating, but definately good skills.
Colouring - None - it\'s a black-and-white production.
Plot - An enjoyable introduction to the story, steady unfolding from that point - the style is very similar to `commando war comics` : Fair
Character work - Characters are wooden, but it\'s early days so far - I dont really empathise with the characters that much`humanity` - especially those who have allied with the Aliens. Why? to what benefit? It\'s a bit too unclear.
Worldwork - Intricate and seemingly tight - for a comic noir horror effort that is. Fair
Rating : Fair to Good.
17 Feb 2011 |
Comic: B3S+i4Li+Y! |
Webcomic no longer at link shown above.
Deadlinked to same destination by other webcomic indexes. I think this one has expired.
:16 February 2011 |
Comic: Way of the Renegade |
early work shown here with .. effort but not much perspective or accuracy of depiction.
Only 5 pages, a very enthusiastic 5 pages, so the work is very early.
It\'s somewhat similar to the early work of Tarol Hunt from Goblins webcomic ...
Rating : poor (but only because it\'s just starting - how else to webcomic Genius es get to be Geniuses other than from starting?)
Date : 9 Feb 2011 |
Comic: Not Quite Heroes |
Art - developing - poor
Plot - developing - poor
worldwork - poor
Colour - poor
sorry, rates poor for me - appreciate the effort but ...
Oh - being updated that much - from the site owner
So, is NQH dead? Alive? Undead? Well, certainly not the latter. Only lamewads and social vomit claim that title. It\'s just in limbo, really. Still has a full 500+ archive, tho\'. Give that a delve in the lack of updates.
Overall : poor raised to fair due to large archives. |
Comic: Shadows of Enchantment |
Ive been very much enjoying this webcomic lately and while it\'s updates are kinda once-every-two-weeks, its still most enjoyable, a few perplexing unexplained plot devices are in place, and it\'s presented well.
As of 9 Feb 2011 there are 73 pages of the webcomic in the archives, and its nicely done.
Artwork - Good line work, perspective and curiously warped viewpoints and artefacts blend well to give a distinctive style. Good
Colouring - I`m no expert on colouring, so I`ll just say `competent` which can range from crap to magnificent. .
Plot - Nice unfolding, great introduction to the story, steady unfolding from that point. Good to Great
Character work - I dont really empathise with the characters that much, I guess the isolation angle could be used more to give characters more `humanity` - especially those who have questionable humanity. Fair to Good.
Worldwork - Mostly intricate and seemingly tight. Good.
Rating : Good to V.Good.
9 Feb 2011 |
Comic: Capes & Babes |
interesting ... but not my cup of t ea. I like plot not strip gag webcomics.
If you like this, give it a go. Seemingly nice writing and linework. |
Comic: Derelict |
A simple comic that show some world similar to Waterworld (yes, with Kevin Kostner), similar to Azure (from Zuda), similar to Spacelab 2020, and similar to Castaway with Tom Hanks.
But it\'s none-of-these. It\'s a quiet exploration of solitude on a boat exploring the debris of a lost planet\'s excesses.
While after 12 pages it is hard to describe the plot, since it\'s still setting the scene, it is well rendered, and shows the world of ocean from below and above very very nicely - unlike any of the examples given above, it also mentioned alludes to space.
It is hard to rate a webcomic so early, so the below is first impressions as of 5 February 2011 only.
Artwork - Good line work, art, perspective and use of comic medium.
Colouring - Colouring show below and above ocean colours, a difficult medium, excellently.
Plot - Unknown
Character work - single character well depicted by actions and surroundings. Good.
Worldwork - Mostly unrevealing. Seemingly tight.
Rating : Good
5 Feb 2010 |
Comic: Heroes inc. |
Still love it. Slow update schedule but super artwork, I love the exposed pencil work underneath the line work and inking. It feels like one of those traditional comics that are made in-front of you for real fans of the medium.
Plot is still rocking along, and some long term pacing has just revealed itself. A labour of long term love is Heroes Inc.
Artwork - Excellent line work, art, perspective and use of comic medium.
Colouring - Colouring show switches from present to pastille past. Excellent.
Plot - Hardnosed yet boilerplate fun - good
Character work - characters are meaningfully battling with good/bad dichotomies - Excellent
Worldwork - it`s our world as if Germany won? Lost? Wildly interesting - Excellent.
Rating : Excellent.
Rated : 5 Feb 2011.
Do yourself a favour - follow it. |
Comic: Justice Babes |
A CGI comic with busty chicks doing superhero things. The expressions are animatrix and the poses are as realistic as you could get during the time of Toy Story I, but I think a few other webcomics are passing this one by - Unfortunately I can\'t see much in the way of artistic talent being displayed or developed here.
Well, there is talent - from the perspective of selling access to a porn archive.
Not rated - not my thing.
6 February 2011 |
Comic: Hookie Dookie Panic! |
Front page is a website placeholder but going through the archives link gives the website archives.
Have not read them though, not inclined to read these types of webcomics.
6 Feb 2010 |
Comic: Quarter Four |
A most pleasant diversion from overly serious comics. The world is one we inhabit, but with pleasantly twisted but utterly believable parodies of people most of us would know.
I enjoy all the characters, and now that they are partially dressed up as giant pink bunnies, they are for reasons entirely plot driven, even more enticing.
Artwork - Good line work, interesting variation on motion lines - quite effective. I like how proximity to viewer makes lines thicker - interesting and effective. Fun perspectives also.
Colouring - Effective matt colours.
Plot - Haphazard and boilerplate fun - good
Character work - characters are fun - Good
Worldwork - it\'s our world, but with them in it. Great!
Rating : Very Good.
Rated : 5 Feb 2011. |
Comic: Oops, Nevermind |
Now deadlinked.
Date : 5 February 2011 |
Comic: Wayward Sons: Legends |
Darn, not four, three.
Proofreading Fail.
I guess I give a rating of 2 to balance up the rating of 4 to give an average of 3? |
Comic: Wayward Sons: Legends |
Slowly but slowly the promise of this comic is being returned.
Firstly it was a SF space based comic, then it turned into a prisoner type comic, then a re-hash of Lost, but with powers, now we are re-creating mythology of Egypt, Rome, Greece and Persia. It\'s an interesting melange of concepts.
Plot wise it\'s progressive, but characterisation is limited because of the massive range of characters and attributes that rest within them.
Art : excellent visuals work, good sense of perspective, weight of line is clean and the setting out of the page is pleasant.
Plot : characterisation is secondary to plot development. While the world reminds me of Zelany\'s \'lord of light\' it\'s too entrenched with characters.
Colours : lush, effective - they work, I dont know how to criticise colours, but they seem quite effective to me.
The extra 10 percent : I see the comic as formulaic. It\'s got lots of stuff, lots of value, but it\'s not that extra little bit that makes me think \'this is niiiice\', so I can\'t find a reason to get it past the bell-curve.
So, 2.5 stars, rounded up to 3.
Rated: 3 February 2010 |
Comic: Crikey Duck |
Due to the quality of this work, it has been archived by the Australian National Library : it may be found
The product is of supurb quality.
To read the archives you will need to go to the livejournal site as the main website has been down for a while.
First page of archives held at LiveJournal starts here:
http://crikeyduck.livejour |
Comic: FreakAngels |
Supurb - easily the best webcomic on the internet - a free webcomic with world class colouring, plotting, artwork, shading, linework, a killer update schedule with 5 pages every week revealed sometime over the weekend, and a MASSIVE pile of stories already available and readable.
I have been following it since early 2009 or so, and it keeps getting strong, good, stunning and better.
Reviewed : 24 January 2011 |
Comic: As we were |
Looks like a neat comic, good colours, characters and dynamic action settings - somewhat typical for today\'s American style manga influenced cartooning... |
Comic: Burgundy Comics |
It\'s moved to a new site, the new site has no comics on it, it\'s clearly the site where the comic will return to as the site says so, but there aint no comics worth spit at the new site = kinda useless. |
Comic: Spying with Lana |
It\'s a mishmach of storytelling which has brutish men in poorly shaven aspects working with professional scantilly clad women that violently achieve spying outcomes. The violence is interesting, the 3D figures are well rendered and positioned, it\'s a little mechanical, but the facial expressions are remarkably successful. Technically it\'s nicely done if simplistic. Still, it\'s a comic, it\'s spying, its showing nudity and sexual activity.
Review of on 11/Jan/2011
CG Artwork - fair to good
Colouring - bright and cheery - good shade rendering
Plot - plotted with cheek and attitude
Character work - one dimentional, but do you need any more?
Rating : fair, but almost good. What to make it good - regular panels, regular update schedule, less loud advertising, modesty in the main character, a sense of a plot being consistent rather than an excuse to fling clothes off, less lesbian lovemaking scenes that then result in lesbian fighting scenes - it\'s such a boys own adventure comic. |
Comic: Addicted Comics |
Absolutely not worth the effort of maintaining a website let along promoting the webcomic. It\'s very beginnerish with 2 pages, no plot, no good gag, the third wall demolished for no reason, and an obvious take off from \'Order of the Stick\'.
Review of on 11/Jan/2011
Artwork - poor
Colouring - well, there is colour
Plot - no plot
Character work - no characters
It\'s a beginners webcomic with 2 pages. Sheesh. Content, practice, drawing and plot development might help. can I give half a star? |
Comic: Grrl Power |
A splendid start to the superhero type. I look forward to the comic shop and super hero functions in real life to unfold. I am so NOT reading the character bio\'s beforehand - I want to see this strip evolve.
Not being a professional reviewer I thought I\'d give a go at bits of the initial appearance of the work.
American manga style artwork - standard.
Flat layered Photoshop colours - standard.
Dialogue is teen spunk banter so far - nicely done.
Worldwork - the self referential perspective of realistic superheros hiding in plain sight is well done. Above standard.
Written : January 10th, 2011 | after reading page #21
(note - I gotta get some 0/5 crap comic reviews done so the bell curve of my scores are not skewed towards the 5/5) |
Comic: Magnificent Milkmaid, The |
sigh - big breast only go so far. Big milky breasts also only go so far. adequate webcomic poor plotting, almost purile but quite representative of this genera of sex based adult mammary based webcomic. it\'s a classic trope of it type in many ways. I have not been bothered to finish it, so that\'s an indication. |
Comic: String Theory |
Quite a good body of work here, the style is cartoonish, and the character is mawkish, but the story runs well, the characters are engaging, and it\'s quite worth persevering with. I look forward to the comic developing. Middle to upper tier work. |
Comic: Tales of the Traveling Gnome |
Supurb artwork, shame about the slow update schedule, but supurb artwork. I can\'t wait for the continuation of this work. |
Comic: Crimson Dark |
Awesome - a top 5 webcomic. Enjoy. The evolution from early stuff to later brilliance is a joy to behold. |
Comic: Becoming, The |
Good work, but laboursome plot - to slow paced for my liking, but it might very well improve, like Inverlock improved over time with a beautiful plot falling into place. I have hope. Until then, it\'s beautifully drawn, lovely colours, interesting world and odd characters that are somewhat two dimensional. |
Comic: The Adventures of the 19XX |
Wonderful effort here - magnificent art and front page. Don\'t know where its going, but it\'s not bad. |
Comic: Jesus Christ |
awesome first comic book. See it. Blasphemy! |
Comic: End of All |
Interesting artwork and plot, a bit lumpy in areas, the artist enjoys lines of bodywork more than setting a scene properly, not a big distraction but it is something I notice - the plot (bizzare as it is - there\'s a guy with a toaster for a head) is almost comprehensible - for all that it\'s a respectful amount of work for one person to do - very passionately. It\'s not quite 3 stars because it\'s not excellent in inking, colouring, plot, artwork, but the figures are enticing and the plot has interesting components. For a single person\'s effort, bloody good work though. |
Comic: Mister Crimson |
Thoroughly enjoyed the gritty art and curious storyline - submitted to ZUDA when it was a free test bed for webcomics, has been taken a few more pages past the opening 6 - it\'s worth looking at - easily the best of all the flashback universe (IMO anyway) stable of golden age characters in a webcomic. |
Comic: Oglaf |
awesome work - if you liked \'platinum grit\' you will love this - it is NOT SAFE FOR WORK. but the humour is so much better than the tripe that is \'pronquest\' - fully 5 stars for the art, writing, colour, inking, scene setting and brevity of script.
Supurb! |
Comic: inverloch |
This webcomic is an early work in webcomic-dom, it shows in some ways, but it is a completed work, with an arc that was, in my reading, unexpected. It\'s worth recognising it was amongst the best of the early webcomics, and it\'s consistency, artwork, quality of inking and linework remains very competitive.
It\'s a beautiful light story to travel through if you have the wish.
For it\'s time, it\'s excellent, but over time, it can be put back to a more realistic \'very good\'. |
Comic: Mindmistress |
Poor artwork. Poor colouring. Poor page design, but very interesting plotwork. Moderate characters which are enhanced by the plotwork. Some interesting metaphysical scientific discussions on the nature of reality, truth and empirical evidence. A very worthwhile webcomic to follow. Rated \'fair\' for all the above, apart from the consistency of storytelling and clever theories on knowledge, and so upgraded to \'good\'. |
Comic: FreakAngels |
One of the best regular free comics on the web. Top 5 in anyone\'s book. Fantastic art, Colour, Line work, perspective, storyboarding and plot. Superb. You have to savour it, do not devour, read leisurely. Appreciate each page and it\'s intricate detail and consistency. |
Comic: Spacetrawler |
Zis is uperb, wonderful, Classic. A new brilliance star on the horizon of comics drawn and artisted using texta colours. A wonderful experience. I Love this ...
writing is humorous, witty, brilliantly paced and very quickly done by the author - I have no idea how he manages his output. |
Comic: Moon Town |
Very very enjoyable comic showing good pacing and subtly with the topic, some truly disgusting characters shown, the central character seems brave but mild, a very mild mannered obsessive - and there is a spunky heroine who has a mean right hook, it\'s worth looking at. |
Comic: Heroes inc. |
very enjoyable web-comic - plotting and artwork is first rate, love the aged superheros fighting from within a crazed bureaucracy, the powers they demonstrate and the reality of being powerful yet old - the trials of passing the flame over to the new younger less experienced generation ... a fascinating comic and it should be far wider known than it is. Well recommended. |
Comic: Blade Bunny |
I\'ve been really enjoying this, it\'s a bizzare pastiche of ninja robots and cute dolly furry things. It\'s matrix in 2d without 2&3 to get in the way, less plot more jumping and ears. Big bunny ears. And bad robots, a damn dam with archaic 14 century architecture set in feudal Japan. What\'s there not to like? |
Comic: Nightmare World |
It\'s a pretty flash flash comic now. worth checking out. Colouring is a bit \'zap-you-in-the-eyes\' primary focussed but it\'s a comic. |
Comic: Alien Echo |
supurb artwork and very nice to see the comic returning to life - I look forward to seeing the progress of this intriguing story and most interesting rewrite of the classic \'stranger in a strange land\' story line. |
Comic: Distillum |
nice style, simple line drawings, a slight sf-fantasy element to it, interesting opening up of the plot line - i wish I had a secret power like being able to find keys like that ... neat. |
Comic: Distillum |
web address is incorrect, not a https secure server ... doh! |
Comic: Dr Devious vs. Lincoln High |
This comic no longer is found at the above web link. I guess it is an achive record of the comic. |
Comic: Tales from the Middle Kingdom |
supurb artwork - classic style ink and brush work. Feels lovely, aged and period rich.
The man loves to draw armour - in some that would be sad, in this, it\'s awesome! |
Comic: Galaxion |
The comic may be slow in it\'s pacing but it is very good in it\'s gentle plot line development. Nice art and nice shading. an excellent B&W product |